Hiring a private contractor
Private contractor hire
If you are hiring a private contractor to remove household, garden, or construction waste from your property remember to:
- Check the individual or company being hired is registered with the Environment Agency and has a valid ‘Upper Tier’ Waste Carriers Licence. This can be done on: https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers
- You can check using either their registration number, business name, or postcode, or call the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506.
- Do research to find out if they are a genuine and reputable company or individual
- Check where they are proposing to take your waste
- Record the registration number of any vehicle removing waste from your home
- Pay by cheque, card or bank transfer as payments can be traced if the waste is fly tipped. If they insist on cash refuse their service
- Obtain a waste transfer note and a receipt for their service and keep it as proof.
Failure to do so could lead to a £600 fine if your waste is discovered fly-tipped and you cannot provide evidence of who you gave it to for removal or neglected to check if they had a valid Waste Carriers Licence.
The council offers a Bulky Waste Collection Service entitling residents to a free collection every 12 months (maximum of 3 items). For more details, including costs for additional collections go to: www.redbridge.gov.uk/bins-waste-and-recycling/book-a-bulky-waste-or-large-item-collection/