Equality and diversity in Redbridge

The Council

We recognise and value the diverse population of our borough and are committed to advancing equality of opportunity, working to eliminate discrimination and foster strong community relations. We aim to support all residents to reach their full potential and ensure that we do not perpetuate inequalities in striving to do so.   

Our vision is for Redbridge to be an inclusive and welcoming London borough, offering equal access to services and opportunities with communities that value each other and embrace our collective contribution to a fairer society.   


Equality and Diversity Strategy

The Equality and Diversity Strategy enables us to become a fairer council, helping us to promote equality and diversity when we provide services to our residents and as an employer. The Strategy is a priority project under our Redbridge Plan.  

We ran online and in-person public consultations between April - July 2023 to get a wide range of feedback on the key themes, objectives, and content set out in the draft Strategy. 

We intend the Strategy to instill cultural change in how we offer our services and meet the needs of local communities. Ensuring that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is prioritised across the Council and operates in a proactive, preventative manner is particularly important to maintain our work in achieving our EDI objectives.   

The draft strategy documents can be viewed using the links below:

We will publish a new strategy in the first half of 2024.


Redbridge is proud to be a diverse London borough. We have welcomed people from different backgrounds into the borough and embraced the change that has occurred across all our communities. We have celebrated the diversity of our residents through commemorative events and taken steps to tackle behaviour that is not in line with what we as a Council stand far, including through our Hate Crime Pledge. To continue to promote equity, inclusion and diversity in Redbridge and to become an even more welcoming borough, we have updated our commitment to the Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge.

The Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge aims to work towards ensuring that every resident in Redbridge is treated equally and fairly by others, giving them the freedom to be who they are. The Pledge allows both individuals and organisations to make a commitment towards driving equitable outcomes for all residents in Redbridge. This includes commitments to promoting inclusivity, tackling discrimination and celebrating our communities.

Find out more and sign the Pledge here.



We take equality and diversity into account when making decisions across our services by using an equality impact assessment.  

How do we think about equality and diversity in what we do? 

We have developed an equality impact assessment process to ensure that our services are fit for purpose. 

There are several good reasons for doing this:

  • to help us anticipate and thereby reduce or prevent any discriminatory effects on any particular groups of people, particularly the most disadvantaged or vulnerable people in our community
  • council services are more appropriate for users, including making them more efficient and cost-effective and improving public satisfaction
  • councillors are properly advised of the potential effects of proposals before they make decisions that will inevitably affect people’s lives
  • the process offers the opportunity for stakeholder involvement in council decisions. Consultation is a key part of the process, so service users, staff and others likely to be affected by a proposal can have the opportunity to get involved and shape the final decision
  • it helps us meet our Public Sector Equality Duty

How we do it 

We consider equality issues by initially working through: 

  • a ‘screening’ template for deciding whether a full impact assessment is necessary
  • a ‘full equality impact assessment’ template which guides us in a more detailed enquiry, incorporating the consideration of existing research, as well as engaging staff, service users and representative groups in new enquiries

We have developed guidance for officers to follow when conducting equality impact assessments. In screening a policy or process we systematically work through key questions to focus our mind on the potential impacts. 

The questions include: 

  1. what is the purpose of the process? 
  2. do we know our target audience? 
  3. are vulnerable or disadvantaged people the target audience? 
  4. does this process specifically focus on groups of people by reference to their ‘protected characteristic’? 

This will give us an idea of whether the impact is adverse and whether sufficiently high to warrant further inquiry or full equality impact assessment. 

A full equality impact assessment will expand the information and data that has been referred to in the screening giving a detailed explanation of the envisaged impact and actions that have sought to mitigate the risks from the adverse impact. This will include research from other areas, where relevant and include the results of engagement and consultation with stakeholders. 

Good equality information informs both our decision making and grounds our equality practice. The collection and analysis of equality information, including consultation feedback, is important for us to ensure that our work meets the needs of our local communities and is responsive to public consultation. 

The list below is indicative, and by no means exhaustive, of resources we use in ensuring that our services meet the needs of our local community and reach the people who need them.  









Employment and Living  


Key Redbridge Reports  


Workforce Data

The following are protected characteristics in the Equality Act:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender Reassignment
  4. Marriage and civil partnership
  5. Pregnancy & Maternity
  6. Race
  7. Religion or belief
  8. Sex
  9. Sexual Orientation

In addition to the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act, we further recognise socio-economic and care leaver status as a key characteristic to be considered in our work.

Find out more about the Equality Act 2010, including age discrimination and public sector Equality Duty.  



If you feel you have been discriminated against, contact the Equality Advisory Support Service for support and advice.