Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge


Redbridge is proud to be a diverse London borough. We have welcomed people from different backgrounds into the borough and embraced the change that has occurred across all our communities. We have celebrated the diversity of our residents through commemorative events and taken steps to tackle behaviour that is not in line with what we as a Council stand far, including through our Hate Crime Pledge.  To continue to promote equity, inclusion and diversity in Redbridge and to become an even more welcoming borough, we have updated our commitment to the Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge.  

The Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge aims to work towards ensuring that every resident in Redbridge is treated equally and fairly by others, giving them the freedom to be who they are. The Pledge allows both individuals and organisations to make a commitment towards driving equitable outcomes for all residents in Redbridge. This includes commitments to promoting inclusivity, tackling discrimination and celebrating our communities. 


The Equity and Inclusion Pledge

The Redbridge Equity and Inclusion Pledge (updated 2024) is as follows: 

I/We pledge to work to make Redbridge an inclusive and welcoming borough in London, where communities value each other and embrace their collective contribution to a fairer society.  


I/We will do this by: 

  • Recognising my/our own biases, committing to active listening and learning to understand the experiences of all Redbridge residents. 
  • Challenging discriminatory behaviour, holding peers accountable, calling in to the conversation and making a stand against all forms of discrimination.  
  • Uniting against hatred or hostility directed at anyone because of their identity or protected characteristics, committing to creating a Borough where people are free to live, work and play without fear of hate crime  
  • Fostering equity in opportunity, ensuring equitable access to services and prioritising inclusivity in service delivery for all Redbridge residents. 
  • Empowering voices of marginalised and hard to reach groups, committing to inclusivity in decision-making processes and where possible, co-creation with residents representative of our Redbridge community. 
  • Collaborating for change, working cohesively with individuals and organisations in the borough to delivery equitable outcomes for residents 
  • Celebrating our communities, embracing the diversity of our Redbridge community  


I/We pledge to providing visible leadership on equity and inclusion with respect to the nine protected characteristics of: 

  • age 
  • disability 
  • gender reassignment 
  • marriage and civil partnership 
  • pregnancy and maternity 
  • race 
  • religion or belief 
  • sex 
  • sexual orientation 

I/We agree that there is no hierarchy within or amongst the protected characteristics. 


Signatories to the pledge are asked to commit to at least one action that contributes to providing visible leadership on equity and inclusion and celebrate our diversity. 

What will you pledge to do?

Find out more and sign the Equity and Inclusion Pledge here