
Both e-petitions and paper petitions follow the same scheme. 

Most petitions run for 6 months but the organiser can choose a longer or shorter time frame, up to a maximum of 12 months.

It is possible to run an e-petition at the same time as a paper petition but you will need to inform us that a paper petition is also being undertaken. The responsibility for publicising an e-petition and paper petition lies with the petition organiser.

Paper petitions

We have appointed a Petitions Officer, who is responsible for receiving,

managing and reporting all other petitions sent to the authority.

Please address petitions to:

The Petitions Officer
London Borough of Redbridge
PO Box 2, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1DD


You will need to register with the e-petitions system before you can create or sign an e-petition.

The e-petition organiser must provide:

  • his/her name, postal address and email address
  • a time frame for how long the e-petition should be open for signatures

What happens after my e-petition is submitted?

  • once an e-petition has been created it will be published online within 5 working days
  • we will check that the content is suitable before it is made available for signatures
  • if we feel that we cannot publish an e-petition, the e-petition organiser will be contacted and the reasons explained
  • the organiser will then have the opportunity to change and resubmit the e-petition
  • if this is not done within 14 days, a summary of the e-petition and the reason why it has not been accepted will be published on our website 

What happens after an e-petition closes?

When an e-petition has closed for signature, it will automatically be submitted to an officer to take forward.  In the same way as a paper petition, the petition organiser will receive an acknowledgement within 14 days. 

A petition acknowledgement and response will be emailed to all signatories who have requested to receive this information. The acknowledgement and response will also be published on our website. 

How do I sign an e-petition?

To ‘sign’ an e-petition, you will be asked to provide your name, postcode and email address.  When this information is submitted, an email is sent to you including a link to authorise your email address.

Once this step is complete, your ‘signature’ will be added to the petition.  People visiting the e-petition will be able to see the names of those who have signed it but your contact details remain private.


Publication of Verification Number


Previously received petitions

View our petitions schedule for 2022

View our petitions schedule for 2023