Full Council audio 16 November 2017

Thursday 16 November

* Please note that the recording has been redacted for data protection purposes.


Agenda Order Time
Agenda item 1 Apologies for absence 00:55
Agenda item 2 2. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14 September 2017 (Pages 1 - 17 01:33
Agenda item 3

Declarations of Interest

All Members and officers in attendance are reminded of the requirement to consider whether they have an interest in any matter on the agenda that needs to be disclosed and, if so, to declare the interest when Council reaches that item on the agenda.

Agenda item 4 Correspondence (if any) 02:16
Agenda item 5 To receive the Mayor's announcements 02:24
Agenda item 6 To hear questions from members of the public and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17 04:33
Agenda Item 7 To receive any petitions, which will stand referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 19 49:15
Agenda item 7 (a) Petition for Debate: Redbridge Council to Reinstate Free Green Garden Waste Collection Scheme (Pages 18 - 19) 51:50
Agenda Item 8

To receive and consider the following reports from Officers:

8a 2017/18 Treasury Management Mid Year Review (Pages 20 - 42)


Agenda Item 9 To hear statements, if any, by the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet or Chairs of Committees in accordance with Standing Order 18 01:16:35
Agenda Item 10 To hear questions from Members and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17 01:16:43
Agenda Item 11 To consider any matter that has been called in by Members under Standing Order 54 01:39:16
Agenda Item 12

To consider the following Business Motions:-

(I) Motion to be moved by Councillor Canal and seconded by Councillor Mrs Dunn - 01:39:23

“Council accepts the removal of the free weekly garden Waste Scheme in 2016 was an error and regrets that decision.

Council notes that the 2017 replacement scheme was viewed by residents as inadequate and not fit for purpose.

Council notes the many thousands who had signed the petition demanding the return of the Free Garden Waste Collection Scheme.

Council agrees that credit for the reintroduction of the Free Garden Waste Collection Scheme should rest with those who campaigned for that return.

Council agrees that the reintroduced scheme should run not just for the election year of 2018, and further agrees that the Free Garden Waste Collection Scheme should be introduced on a permanent basis.”

(II) Motion to be moved by Councillor Canal and seconded by Councillor Mrs Dunn - 02:40:00

“Council notes the assertion of the London Borough of Redbridge that neither Oakfields nor the Ford Sports Ground site met NPPF Green Belt purposes, as set out in the Green Belt Review (LBR2.41) and Green Belt Addendum (LBR2.41.1);

Council notes that the Planning Inspector unequivocally rejected that position.

Council congratulates the many campaigners who argued against including Oakfield and Ford Sports Ground as opportunity sites.

Council commits itself to protecting Oakfields and Ford Sports Ground.

Council therefore agrees to:

Enter into negotiations immediately to extend the leases held on Oakfield.

Support any application to designate Oakfield a “Fields in Trust.”

(III) Motion to be moved by Councillor Weinberg and seconded by Councillor Canal - 03:09:08

“This Council notes the decision of London Mayor Sadiq Khan to close Barkingside and Woodford Police Station.

This council believe that the single counter access at Ilford Police station will not meet the needs of residents, in particular the elderly and vulnerable.

This Council agrees that ease of access to the police service is key to combatting both crime and fear of crime.

Council supports providing the public access to the MPS via a series of drop in centres hosted in Council buildings on a regular basis across the borough.

Council requests that the Chief Executive in conjunction with the MPS develops and resources a plan that will enable the MPS to utilise suitable council buildings to meet the needs of local residents.”

Agenda Item 13 Any Urgent Business 03:09:33
Agenda Item 14

Motion to Exclude the Public

The following motion will be moved where it is desired to discuss business containing exempt information in private:-

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in the paragraphs indicated of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act.”

Category of Exemption by
Virtue of Schedule 12A to
The Local Government Act

