Full Council audio 20 June 2019

Agenda Order Time
1. Apologies for Absence 04:59
2. Declarations of Interest 06:07
3. Correspondence (if any)


4. To receive the Mayors announcements 06:46
5. To hear questions from members of the public and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17 07:29


To receive any petitions, which will stand referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 19 41:21
6a. Petition for Debate - Don't Build on Green Belt Land (Pages 1 - 4)  44:40
6b. Petition for Debate – Stop New Plan for King George Hospital A&E Closure (Pages 5 - 8) 01:03:58
7. To receive any deputations in accordance with Standing Order 20 01:03:58
7a. Lack of School Places to Meet Demand in the West of the Borough  01:12:00
7b.  Making Redbridge Enjoyable and Safe to Walk and Cycle  02:08:52
8.  To consider appointments of Members / Terms of Reference of Committees or other bodies  -
8a. Changes to Committee Memberships (Pages 9 - 11)   02:22:42
9.  To receive and consider the following reports from Officers:  -
9a.  Scrutiny Annual Report (Pages 12 - 23) 02:23:17
10.  To hear statements, if any, by the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet or Chairs of Committees in accordance with Standing Order 18   02:25:11
11. To hear questions from Members and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17  02:32:11
12.  To consider any matter that has been called in by Members under Standing Order 54 03:01:01
13.  To consider the following Business Motion:- (delete if there are no Business Motions)  -
13a.  Motion to be moved by Councillor Gomez and seconded by Councillor Rai  03:01:12
13b.  Motion to be moved by Councillor Adams and Seconded by Councillor Mrs Nolan  01:28:33
13c.  Motion to be moved by Councillor Blackman and Seconded by Councillor Howard  03:26:05
14.  Any Urgent Business   -
15.  Motion to Exclude the Public  -