Full Council audio 21 June 2018


Agenda Order Time
Agenda item 1 Apologies for absence 03:35
Agenda item 2 To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Annual Council Meeting held on 24 May 2018 03:47
Agenda item 3 Declarations of Interest 04:01
Agenda item 4 Correspondence (if any) 04:19
Agenda item 5 To receive the Mayor's announcements 04:26
Agenda item 6 To hear questions from members of the public and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17 07:37
Agenda item 7 To receive any petitions, which will stand referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 19

7a. Petition for Debate - Don't Build Housing on King George Hospital Site (Pages 14 - 17) 

Agenda item 8 To receive any deputations in accordance with Standing Order 20

8a. Investing in Purpose Built GP Practices around Redbridge

Agenda item 9

To consider appointments of Members / Terms of Reference of Committees or other bodies - 

9a. Changes to Appointments to Committees (Pages 18 - 21) 


Agenda item 10

To receive and consider the following reports from Officers:

10a. Changes to the Constitution (Pages 22 - 28) – 01:11:20

10b. Scrutiny Annual Report 2017/18 (Pages 29 - 39) – 



Agenda item 11

11. To hear statements, if any, by the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet or Chairs of Committees in accordance with Standing Order 18 - 


Agenda item 12

To hear questions from Members and replies thereto, in accordance with Standing Order 17 - 

- list of questions to be tabled at Council meeting.



Agenda item 13

To consider any matter that has been called in by Members under Standing Order 54 – 


Agenda item 14

To consider the following Business Motion:- 

I. Motion to be moved by Councillor Athwal and seconded by Councillor Mrs Huggett

“This Council notes that following the 2018 local elections, several Councillors retired and some were not re-elected.

This Council thanks the following former councillors who retired or were not re-elected for their exceptional service and wishes them well in their future endeavours.

Labour: Wes Streeting MP, Baldesh Nijjar, Barbara White, Shakil Ahmed, Mohammad Ahmed, Aziz Choudhury, Lloyd Duddridge.

Conservative: Emma Best, David Bromiley, Matthew Chaudhary, Robert Cole, Colin Cronin, Chris Cummins, Michelle Dunn, John Fairley-Churchill, Jeevah Haran, Nick Hayes, Ashley Kissin, Brian Lambert, Tom McLaren, Jim O’Shea, Karen Packer, Keith Prince, Tom Sharpe, Alan Weinberg.

Liberal Democrat: Ian Bond, Hugh Cleaver, Gwyneth Deakins.

This Council resolves that the Chief Executive should write to each former councillor and express the thanks of the entire Council for their service and our best wishes.”



Agenda item 15 Any Urgent Business -  02:16:23
Agenda item 16 Motion to exclude the public

The following motion will be moved where it is desired to discuss business containing exempt information in private:-

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in the paragraphs indicated of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act.”

Category of Exemption by
Virtue of Schedule 12A to
The Local Government Act

