About public meetings

All meetings are open to the public and our residents are encouraged to attend to see what decisions councillors take on their behalf. However, the public may be excluded where personal or confidential matters are being discussed. At every meeting, members of the public can address the councillors on specific items on the agenda. 

At ordinary meetings of full Council, residents and business rate payers of the Borough can also ask a question on anything which affects the borough or residents, provided it is relevant to the Council's functions or duties. 



The Cabinet is the main decision-making body of the Council. It is made up of the Leader and 9 Cabinet Members who are responsible for individual portfolios. The Cabinet ensures the effective management and operation of council services, promotes our interests externally and develops the medium-term plan, corporate strategy and policies for all our services.

Find out more about Cabinet and attend a meeting



Council meetings are where all 63 elected Councillors meet together to make cross-party decisions such as agreeing the Council’s main policies and plans, appointing the Leader of the Council and the Mayor, setting the Council’s overall budget and Council Tax, and agreeing changes to its Constitution (the rules under which the Council operates).  

Find out more about Council meetings and attend a meeting



Each committee is responsible for a specific Council service area and will take decisions relating to its respective area.

The key decision-making committees are:

  • Governance and Assurance Committee - This committee oversees internal audit and external audit, helping to ensure efficient and effective assurance arrangements are in place. The committee is also responsible for dealing with matters relating to the conduct and standards of behaviour of Councillors
  • Licensing Committee  - The Licensing Committee examines the Council’s licensing policies whilst it’s Sub-Committee Hearings consider and determine applications for licences or regulations, impose conditions and limitations on premises, make variations to licenses and carry out enforcement.
  • Planning Committee - This Committee has responsibility for determining applications for planning permission and related consents, lawful use certificates, mineral extraction, outdoor advertisement consents, hazardous substances consents, listed building consents, conservation area consents, and consent to do works to protected trees, where these powers have not been delegated to officers.
  • General Purposes Committee – This committee is responsible for non-executive matters such as Elections, Staffing and By-laws. It also has a role in considering any proposed significant changes to the Council’s Constitution (the rules under which the Council operates). 


Overview and Scrutiny/ Policy Development Committee Meetings

Scrutiny bodies provide independent examination of policies and decisions about local services. 

Policy Development Committees enable input into decision making on themes aligned to the Council's Corporate Plan, using evidence, data and discursive investigation.

Find out more about Scrutiny in Redbridge

Find out more about Policy Development in Redbridge


Other council committees and bodies

There is a range of other committees, statutory bodies and joint committees which are responsible for taking decisions or advising on a range of Council functions.

View the calendar for all upcoming meetings


MHCLG consultation

The MHCLG are consulting on remote attendance at formal meetings by Councillors and proxy voting for Councillors.

Learn about details of the consultation