Redbridge Compact

What is the Redbridge Compact?

The Redbridge Compact is a joint agreement between voluntary groups and public bodies and exists to help the partners improve their relationship for mutual advantage and community gain.

Since the first agreement was established in 2003, the Compact has led to a stronger working relationship between the voluntary and public sectors.

This success was formally recognised in 2010 when the Redbridge Compact was awarded the Excellence Award for Local Partnership Working at a National Compact Awards.


What does the Compact do?

The Compact offers groups a strong voice to advocate for what the sector wants and support for what they do. Through the Compact public bodies recognise the legal rights of local groups to campaign, comment on, and challenge their policies without fear of funding at risk.

It strengthens arrangements for involving groups at all stages of service development and service delivery by creating opportunities for their knowledge and expertise to influence decisions at an early stage and enable public bodies to recognise the differences within individual equality strands.