Tell us about a change

Our customer portal will be unavailable from 6.45pm on Monday 31 March until approximately 7pm on Tuesday 1 April. We're sorry for any inconvenience.

If you receive Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction or both, you must tell us about any changes in you or your family's circumstances.

This is because it may affect the amount you’re entitled to.

You need to tell us as soon as a change happens. You must tell us yourself even if you have already told other organisations like the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).


What you must tell us about

You must tell us if something changes for you, your partner or those living with you.

Some of the changes that you must tell us about are:

  • benefits you receive change or stop
  • you or anyone living with you starts working or changes jobs
  • you change address
  • you start to receive a state benefit
  • you or anyone living with you has a change in wages or savings
  • the amount of rent you pay changes
  • anyone moves in or out of your home
  • you become a student
  • anyone living with you becomes a student, apprentice or leaves education
  • you or anyone living with you goes into a hospital, nursing home or prison
  • you leave your home on a temporary basis
  • there are any other changes to anyone living with you


How to tell us

You’ll need:

  • your last name
  • your national insurance number
  • your date of birth
  • your postcode
  • your current benefit claim reference
  • date the change happened
  • what the change is
  • supporting evidence of the change

You’ll find your benefit claim reference on the most recent Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction letter or email. The reference will be 8 characters long and start with either a 1 or a 0 (zero).

You can add your documents when you apply.

Tell us about a change


If you do not tell us about a change

  • you may lose out on what you’re entitled to
  • we may pay you too much that you’ll have to pay back

You need to tell us about any change within one month of it happening