Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment

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A Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) is extra help towards rent or certain housing costs. It is:

  • temporary and only paid for a short time
  • not a benefit
  • given at our discretion
  • paid on top of your Housing Benefit or the housing element in Universal Credit

We have limited amount of money each year to support those who need extra financial support.


Who can apply

You can only apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment if you get either: 

  • Housing Benefit
  • the housing element of Universal Credit

You can apply for Discretionary Housing Payments for help with:

  • a rent shortfall
  • rent deposits
  • rent in advance if you need to move home

You cannot apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment for help with: 

  • council tax 
  • gas, electric, water, meals, fuel charges included in your rent 
  • increases in rent due to outstanding rent arrears 
  • reduced income caused by sanctions or reductions 
  • a shortfall in your housing benefit due to repaying overpaid housing benefit 
  • extra payments you are making to clear rent arrears 
  • administration costs associated with securing a new tenancy 
  • mortgage costs 

You’ll need to tell us why you need extra help with your housing costs.

See Discretionary Housing Payments Guide for 2024-25 (PDF 2MB)


How to apply

You’ll need:

  • your National Insurance number
  • your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction reference number (if you have one)
  • a copy of your Universal Credit award letter (if you get Universal Credit)
  • details of your income and benefits
  • details of your expenses
  • details of any rent arrears
  • details of any debts you have and the repayment amounts
  • details of anyone who lives with you, including their income
  • your bank details
  • the landlord's bank details if you want any this paid to your landlord
  • If you’re applying for a rent deposit or rent in advance, the new landlords bank details, evidence they’re a member of a Government approved tenancy deposit scheme and details of the new property

Make sure you have all the information you need before you start.

You can add your documents when you apply.

Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment


What happens next

We’ll look at your application and decide if we’re going to give you a Discretionary Housing Payment.

If we need any more information, we’ll let you know.

There is no set amount for Discretionary Housing Payments. We’ll decide:

  • whether to give you a DHP
  • how much you will be paid
  • how long you will receive the payment

The amount you get could cover all or part of the shortfall in your rent arrears and certain tenancy costs.

We’ll write to you as soon as possible with our decision.


If you disagree with the decision

Discretionary Housing Payments are not a benefit. This means that you do not have the right to appeal a decision.

You can ask us to look at the decision again. You must do this within one month of being notified of the decision. You’ll need to explain why you disagree.

Write to us at:

Revenues, Benefits and Transactional Centre
The Benefits Service
Lynton House
255 - 259 High Road
Ilford Essex


Other help you can get