Deductions from your Housing Benefit

Your Housing Benefit will be reduced if you and your partner have other adults living with you. They are referred to as ‘non-dependent’. This is because the adults are expected to help towards your rent.

The amount we take each week will depend on the non-dependents situation. We’ll look at whether they’re working, the number of hours they work and how much they earn.

This is set by Central Government.


How much deduction will be taken?

You’ll see if we’re taking a deduction for anyone that lives with you on your entitlement letters. You can view your benefit letters online.

If the adult is aged 18 or over and working 16 hours or more per week with:

  • gross income of £176 to £255.99, we’ll take £44.40 each week
  • gross income of £256 to £333.99, we’ll take £60.95 each week
  • gross income of £334 to £444.99, we’ll take £99.65 each week
  • gross income of £445 to £553.99, we’ll take £113.50 each week
  • gross income of £554 and more, we’ll take £124.55 each week

If the adult is aged 18 or over:

  • working less than 16 hours or with a gross weekly income of less than £176, we’ll take £19.30 each week
  • receiving a state benefit, we’ll take £19.30 each week


Where no deduction is made

We will not reduce your Housing Benefit if you or your partner are:

  • registered blind
  • receiving Attendance Allowance
  • receiving the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • receiving the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment

We will not reduce your Housing Benefit if the non-dependant is:

  • receiving Pension Credit
  • a full-time student

Full time students

If your dependent child turns eighteen, we’ll start to treat them as an adult and take a deduction. This will be from the first Monday in September after your child’s eighteenth birthday.

We’ll not take a deduction, if your child stays in school, college or university and you continue to receive Child Benefit for them.

You’ll need to provide:

  • a letter that confirms details of the course and the date the course ends
  • confirmation of your Child Benefit award. See GOV.UK for proof of Child Benefit 
  • a council tax exemption form, if they’re going to university
  • wage slips and date their started the job, if they’re starting employment

Send full time student proof