Example of a letter to ask a non-priority creditor to accept reduced payments
(Italics show where you put in your own words)
Creditor’s name and address Your address
Dear Sir or Madam,
Account Number
I am/We are writing to you because I am/we are in financial difficulties. My/our financial statement is enclosed.
Briefly explain the reasons for your financial difficulties, particularly any fall in income or increase in expenses since you took out a loan. Difficulties could be anything from unemployment, ill health, bereavement or relationship breakdown.
If any expenses are particularly high because, for example, someone has a special diet or needs extra heating, briefly explain this here.
In the circumstances, please could you accept payments of £x a month and freeze any interest or charges that are accruing. I/we intend to make the first payment on DDMMMYYYY. If this is acceptable, please provide details of how I may make my payments.
I/We understand that you may wish to review the situation in, say, six months time.
I/We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,