Bulky waste terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to the delivery of the Service:

Booking fees

All residents are entitled to receive one free collection every 12 months (maximum of 3 items). 

If you require collection of additional items, then this will be chargeable at a cost of £14.20 per item (maximum of 3 items per booking).

A fee is payable at the time of booking.

All chargeable collections are limited to a maximum number of 3 items per booking.

You can make additional bookings for more items. 


What we will collect

On the day of collection your items must be left in clear view in your front garden or in the communal bin area if you live in a flat.

We will only collect:

  • Items booked for collection – additional items will not be collected.
  • Items booked for collection left in the agreed location.
  • Items left at the correct time – items should be out and available between 6am and 5pm on the day of collection.
  • Items that are safe to do so – for example, items should not be dangerous i.e nails protruding, sharp edges. Glass items should be taped together and secured (with tape) to stop it shattering.
  • Items that are secured to enable one person to be able to collect them – for example wood should be bundled together.
  • Items in black bags must be double bagged, to ensure that we keep you and our crews safe.
  • More information on the bulky waste service can be found here https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/bins-waste-and-recycling/book-a-bulky-waste-or-large-item-collection/ Opens in new window
  • Photographic evidence may be taken at the point of an attempted collection.

What you must do:

  • Gates should be left unlocked, dogs should be kept inside the property and parked cars should not obstruct items.
  • Items that can get heavy when wet e.g. soft furnishings and mattresses, should be kept dry to ensure that the collection crew can remove them.
  • All food should be removed from fridge/freezers and the doors should be taped shut.
  • Items such as carpets or broken furniture must be rolled, securely tied or bundled together and doors taped shut.

If you do not leave your items out as instructed they may not be collected and your payment will  not be refunded.

Rescheduling your collection

Most collections can be rescheduled to another available day if you give at least 2 working days notice. If you give less than  2 working days notice you will not be refunded and will have to re-book the appointment and pay the fee again.

You can also reschedule by calling 020 8554 5000


All collections can be cancelled provided you give at least 2 working days notice.

If you give less than 2 working days notice you may not be refunded.

If you have not given 2 working days notice you may not get the collection added back to your annual entitlement.

Change or cancel my collection Opens in new window 

You can also cancel your collection by calling 020 8554 5000 quoting your reference number.


Cancellations or reductions of items requested with at least 2 working days notice (excluding weekends) will be refunded.

We may offer a full refund for any missed collections where we do not return to collect within a reasonable time, as long as the items have been correctly presented for collection.

No refund will be given for missed items not presented for collection correctly. No refund will be given if you put out fewer items than you paid for or for items that are booked for collection and been removed by a third party.

For paying customers the refunds will have to be requested. Please call 020 8554 5000 or email customer.cc@redbridge.gov.uk quoting your reference number.

Cancellation by the council

The council may cancel a collection at any time if the customer contravenes these terms and conditions and may refuse future requests by the customer for collection of bulky household items.


  • The council shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to accidents, or breakdown of plant or vehicles.
  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
  • By requesting and paying for the bulky waste collection service online you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

Our commitment to recycling and reusing

The Council is committed to recycling and reusing as much as possible, as such the service will be monitored for continuous improvement and misuse. This service is not to be used for commercial waste.