Rubbish collection

Missed Christmas Trees

If your Christmas tree has still not been collected, please present it at the boundary of your property on your regular collection day, and the crews will remove it.



Report a missed collection for domestic waste


Check your collection day

We offer kerbside recycling collection on the same day as your normal bin collection. 


Check your day of collection



Abuse to our staff

Please show respect to our staff

Abusive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated.

Any verbal or physical abuse will be reported to the police.

CCTV is in operation on vehicles at all times.


Present your rubbish for a collection:

Now you have your wheelie bin, please adhere to the following rules or guidelines :

  • all waste must be presented in the wheelie bin (the lid must be closed)
  • placed within the boundary of your property near to the highway, but not on the pavement (if you leave waste on the highway you may be prosecuted)
  • please place out by 6am on the day of collection
  • any excess waste (not in bin) will not be taken
  • with all recyclable waste placed in your recycling boxes


If you use Red Sacks instead of a wheelie bin

  • You can present up to 3 sacks a week - any more than 3 will NOT be taken
  • You receive 2 deliveries a year to replenish your sacks - February and August
  • If you feel your property can house a wheelie bin, please do let us know at


Flats above shops

If you live above a shop, for obvious reasons, you will not have a wheelie bin. Instead, you will be provided with official red sacks for you to present your waste.

  • You will receive delivery of these sacks twice a year - March and September
  • You can present a bag every week day for collection.
  • Your waste must be presented on your boundary or against your property. If you are not sure where this is, call 0208 554 5000 or email
  • The bag must be presented between 6pm and 6am
  • You will be delivered enough bags for 3 collections per week. If you run out of red bags please email . You  can find  lots of tips here to reduce your waste and make sure you don’t run out: Redbridge - Reduce your waste

  • Your waste must be presented in the red bags provided.



Need help with your collections?

We’re here to help and can provide ‘assisted collections’ for those residents who, on assessment, are unable to use the rubbish and recycling collection service without assistance from the Authority.  For example:

  • Aged 80 or over
  • Ill health
  • Have a registered disability (Blue Badge holder)
  • Infirmity
  • Suffering  from short- or long-term illness
  • Need short term support after surgery
  • Pregnant with no one able to offer support
  • Blind or visually impaired and no one  able to offer support
  • There is no one else their property able to put the recycling boxes and wheelie bin out for collection

Assisted collections will be regularly reviewed to ensure the service is still required.

To request a ‘assisted collection’ you will need to complete our online form or 0208 554 5000. Your request will then be considered, and you will be informed of our decision.  Please allow 10 working days for a response to your request.

What we don't collect

The following is waste that is not collected as part of our domestic waste collection:


Where does my waste go?

Residual waste (i.e. waste remaining after most recycling has been separated) from Redbridge wheelie bins goes to the Jenkins Lane waste management facility where it undergoes Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT). This process reduces the volume of waste by about a third by drying it out, helps further separate materials for recycling and produces Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) that can be used to replace fossil fuels in the generation of energy.

The Jenkins Lane waste management facility enables Biffa to increase recycling and prevent waste being sent to landfill.