New wheelie bin FAQ

What will happen if I refuse to pay for a wheeled bin?

If you choose to not pay for a wheeled bin, then waste in bags and boxes will not be collected.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 46, the London Borough of Redbridge has a legal obligation to collect household waste and can specify the containers that need to be used.

You can also choose to dispose of your rubbish yourself by taking it to one of our household waste recycling centres. 

Can I order a second bin for my waste?

Unless you are in a household with relevant special requirements you are not allowed to have a second general waste bin. Second general waste bins are usually only issued for either of two reasons:

To assist large families, having 6 or more people normally resident in their household

To assist persons who generate extra waste due to a recognised medical condition/treatment e.g., Kidney Dialysis

Proof is required with your request for the additional bin(s) to be issued.  Details of your request and evidence will be passed to the Waste Team for assessment.  If a second bin is approved, then this will have to be paid for.

Will I receive a brand new bin?

Not necessarily. The £15 charge is for administration and delivery only and is not for the bin. We will always try to provide you with a new bin where possible, sometimes we may use a refurbished bin. It should be clean and presentable at the time of delivery, and if this is not the case, then please email with photographs.

What if my bin has been stolen or damaged?

We can arrange for a replacement bin to be delivered or collected. We can arrange a replacement bin at the cost of £15.

If your wheeled bin becomes damaged beyond repair, you will have to pay the cost of a replacement bin. If the damage is caused when the bin is being emptied by our crews, we will replace or repair the bin at no cost to you.  Refuse Crews will report bins that have been damaged during collection.  This will also be checked by viewing the vehicle's CCTV

Can I collect the wheeled bins from the Council?

No. It is the Council’s responsibility for delivering its wheeled bins.  Proof of delivery will be obtained by the crew delivering the bin.

Can I buy my bins from somewhere else?

No. The Council will only empty wheeled bins which have been supplied by London Borough of Redbridge.

Can I take my wheeled bins with me when I move house?

No. Wheeled bins remain the property of Redbridge Council and must remain at the property they have been issued to. If you are moving to an existing property (rather than a new property) the bin will already be available at the property. If  not, please contact the Council to arrange for delivery of the bins. There is no charge for this. 

If I buy a replacement bin, does it then become my property?

No. The original bin belonged to the council. Should you lose property belonging to the council you need to replace it. Therefore, any bin bought to replace a lost/stolen bin would again remain the property of the council. The £15 charge is only to cover the cost of administration and delivery.

If you need to order a replacement bin

Order a replacement bin