Funerals arranged by the council

The council has responsibility to make funeral arrangements for anybody who dies within Redbridge if:

  • no relatives of the deceased can be found
  • the next of kin is unable or unwilling to arrange a funeral

This is under Section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

If the person lived in Redbridge but died outside of the borough, it's the responsibility of the local authority where they died to make the arrangement.

We’ll usually arrange the funeral when we have received a referral from:

  • His Majesty’s Coroner
  • residential homes
  • Redbridge NHS hospitals


We’ll not get involved if

  • there is a known next of kin who can make the arrangements
  • funeral arrangements have already been made or has taken place
  • there is valid will and a named executor. If the executor would like to revoke their duties, they must make a formal renunciation of the will


Funeral arrangements

We'll take responsibility for making all the funeral arrangements, which includes:

  • registering the death
  • arranging the funeral
  • letting government organisations and local services know

Our contracted funeral directors will provide a simple and dignified service. This will include:

  • a coffin
  • transport for the deceased to the crematorium or cemetery
  • bearers to transfer the coffin to the chapel

The funeral director can arrange for a minister of religion or a representative of the faith to lead the service. A civil funeral celebrant will be used if it's a non-religious service. 

We’ll arrange a cremation service in most cases.

A burial service will take place if we have been made aware that the deceased would have chosen a burial for religious or cultural reasons. If the deceased did not own a grave, a burial will take place in an unmarked grave at a cemetery chosen by us.


If there is no known next of kin, we’ll inter the cremated remains in a recorded location in the Garden of Remembrance.

We can arrange to release the ashes to a known next of kin. There is no fee payable for the release of cremated remains.


Recovery of funeral costs

The council may recover the cost of the funeral from the estate of the deceased and their items and assets.

This is under the Section 61 (1) (d) of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

If no estate exists, then the cost of the funeral will be taken on by the council.


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