Made in Redbridge

The Made in Redbridge programme gives start-ups an opportunity to learn the most important aspects of trading and to gain more experience, including opportunities to test trade in a market environment.

The first part of programme focuses on supporting start-ups, early stage market traders, and will provide participants with the relevant guidance and training to help them set up their business operation.

The support is provided via  a series of workshops and one to one meetings.  All our sessions are delivered online. 

Topics covered by the workshops include:

  • Setting up
  • Legal requirements 
  • Product Display
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Food Safety


How to apply 

If you would like to book a place to join the next phase of the programme, please register using our online form.

Join the programme


Made in Redbridge - Test Trading events 

Participants that complete the programme will have an opportunity to take part on our Test Trading events in 2024  (dates and location to be announced).

Find out more about our projects via Let's Talk Redbridge