The British Red fox is now a common sight in all urban areas and Redbridge is no exception. Living close to humans the fox can cause a range of reactions amongst residents; some loathe them and others love them. Because of the abundance of available food in urban areas, fox density in towns and cities is often much higher than it is in rural areas. The killing and control of foxes is restricted under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996 makes it an offence to intentionally inflict unnecessary suffering on any wild mammal.
Redbridge council, like other local authorities, do not control the population of foxes. However we do provide advice on how to deter foxes:
- Find out if the fox is attracted to your garden by debris, rubbish or a compost heap.
- Check your boundary fences for any holes that make access easy for foxes (However foxes are extremely good climbers).
- Once you have found out why the fox is attracted to your garden you can discourage it by moving any debris or rubbish, repairing garden fences, raising the height of any bird tables and not leaving bird or other animal food out overnight.
Other ways you can help are:
- Do not leave refuse sacks out over night. Tie refuse sacks securely and place them in storage.
- Do not hand feed foxes or leave food out for them.
- use bird feeders on a high bird table or feeder rather than leaving scraps on the ground.
- ensure air bricks under your house are in good repair and use weld mesh to proof gaps below garden sheds.
- make sure that you keep small pets or chickens in strong hutches or enclosures and that foxes cannot dig their way in.
- Arrange to maintain a neighbours garden if they are elderly or disabled because foxes will often hide in neglected gardens.
- You can also use a proprietary repellent which will produce a scent, that foxes do not like. You can buy repellents from garden centres, pet shops and agricultural merchants. Please follow the manufactures instructions carefully.
Other advice is available from The Fox Project charity website.