Interim authority notice

An interim authority notice can only be applied for by:

  • an individual who is carrying on or proposing to carry on a business in the premises to which the application relates
  • a person connected to the former holder of the licence for example a person with power of attorney
  • individual applicants must be aged 18 or over

The effect of the interim authority is to reinstate the premises licence from the time the notice is received and permits the person issuing the notice to serve as the licence holder and continue to carry out the licensable activities at the premises for up to three months.

A formal transfer application must be submitted before the three-month period expires otherwise the licence will lapse.

A premises licence will automatically lapse following the holder of the licence:

  • death
  • mentally incapable
  • insolvent or bankrupt 
  • no longer permitted to work in the United Kingdom

An interim authority notice or transfer application must be given to the authority within 28 days beginning the day after the licence lapsed otherwise the licence lapses and an application for a new premises licence must be made.

A statutory fee of £23 will apply for an interim authority notice.


Apply for an interim authority notice


The application will be considered valid only when all required information and documentations including the appropriate fee have been received.


If you are applying for an interim notice you must have the right to work in the UK. Evidence of this must be supplied with the application. If you fail to provide the necessary evidence the authority will have to reject your application.

Read the guidance notes for entitlement to work for individual applicants.


The authority will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required.

If no documents are missing or additional information is required from applicant, the authority will provide the person giving the notice an acknowledgement and a copy of the licence summary. The person giving the notice must also notify the DPS (if any). The authority will send a copy of the application to the appropriate authorities for consultation.


The Police and Home Office Immigration Enforcement may object to the application on any relevant grounds that the licensing objectives will not be promoted within 48 hours of receiving a valid notice.


A hearing must be held if any relevant representations are made in respect of the notice or unless the representation or notice is withdrawn. If a hearing is held the notice may be granted or may be cancelled. The licensing authority will serve a notice of its decision on the applicant and any person who has made relevant representations.

View the licensing applications under consideration by our Licensing Committee as well as the decisions committee have made.


Yes. If an application for an interim notice has been made lawfully and there have been no representations from responsible authorities before the end of the consultation period. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period. The Council's target completion date is 30-days after the authority and the responsible authorities have received your valid application for an interim notice under the Licensing Act 2003.