Licensing Representations

The Licensing Act of 2003 allows 'Responsible Authorities' and 'Other Persons' to make representations or comments to the authority regarding applications for:

  • new licence or certificate
  • variations to a licence or certificate
  • reviews of existing licence or certificate 

Definition of 'Other Persons'

They are any person, organisation or body. Representations may be made on behalf of an ‘Other Person’ by a representative such as a Member of Parliament, Solicitor, Ward or Parish Councillor or even a friend however the representation must be relevant and not vexatious, repetitious or frivolous.

Definition of Vexatious and Frivolous representations

A representation is relevant if it relates to the likely effect of the grant on the licence on the promotion of a least one of the licensing objectives such as a representation about commercial competition would not be relevant however a representation about nuisance from noise, where the steps proposed by the applicant to prevent noise are inadequate would be relevant.

A representation may be considered vexatious if it appears to be intended to cause aggravation or annoyance without reasonable cause or justification.

Frivolous representations are likely to have a lack of seriousness or concern issues which are minor and in relation to which no remedial step would be warranted to be proportionate.

The four Licensing Objectives:

  • The Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • Public Safety
  • The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  • The Protection of Children from Harm

Community involvement for making representations 

You can find information on the website as your right as a resident to make a representation on a licence application or review.

If you wish to make a representation on a licence application or a review use the online representation form.


make a representation


The authority will display a summary copy of the application under Members Licensing Bulletin during the consultation period.


View details of the responsible authorities.


The time period for making representation in relation to a new or variation application or a review is 28 days starting the day after the application or request for a review is submitted and the time period for making a representation in relation to minor variation is 10 working days. The last date for representation will be shown on the bulletin.

The authority cannot consider any representations submitted after the end of the representation period.