Minor Variation

Any minor changes to a premises licence or club premises certificate that fall into one of four categories may be considered under the minor variation process:

  • Minor changes to the structure or layout of the premises or club
  • Small adjustments to licensing hours
  • Removal of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions or addition of conditions volunteered by applicant
  • Addition of certain licensable activities (except supply of alcohol) or removal of activities
  • To reduce hours for the sale/supply of alcohol
  • To consider decreasing the licensed hours between 07:00 and 23:00
Applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis it will be whether the proposed variation will have an adverse impact on the licensing objectives. The authority will consult the relevant Responsible Authorities about the application, if the authority considers that the variation will have an adverse impact on the licensing objectives, the application will be refused. Although there is no right of appeal, the application fee will be refunded.
Applications for a minor variation to a premises licence or a club premises certificate must be submitted in a specific format along with supporting documents or information and the required fee. The statutory fee is £89.
Supporting documents or information may include operating schedule within which will include details of:
  • The licensable activities
  • The times when the activities will take place
  • Any other times when the premises will be open to the public
  • In the case of applicants who wish to have a limited licence, the period the licence is required for
  • Information in respect of the premises supervisor
  • Whether any alcohol that is to be sold is for consumption on or of the premises or both
  • The steps proposed to be taken to promote the licensing objectives
  • Any other required information

If the proposed change has an impact on the structure or layout of the premises or club, the layout plan must include information about:

  • a scale no smaller than 1:100
  • the premises boundary and all internal and external walls
  • the location of all entrances, exits and escape routes
  • where the premises is to be used for more than one licensable activity, the area(s) within the premises to be used for each
  • areas to be used for the consumption of alcohol
  • fixed structures (including furniture) which may restrict the use of exits or escape routes
  • the location and height of any stage
  • the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • lavatories
  • the location and type of any fire safety equipment or other safety equipment and
  • any kitchen

More information on minor variation is available through GOV.UK 



The minor variation process cannot be used to:

  1. Add the retail sale of alcohol to a licence or club certificate
  2. Extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on or off the premises between 23:00 and 07:00
  3. Increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold or supplied for consumption on or off the premises or club premises

 Instead these variation will be considered under 'full' variation. 


The application will be considered valid only when all required information and documentations including the appropriate fee have been received.


This authority has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to that end, the information you supply on the licensing applications may be used to prevent and identify fraud. For these objectives, the authority may also share your information with other authorities responsible for purposes of auditing or administering public monies. Refer to our privacy notice for more information.

There are also various policies should be considered before submitting an application, view the adopted licensing policies


The authority will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information or missing documents are required.

If the authority considers that the proposed variations will have an adverse effect on the promotion of any of the licensing objectives, the application will be rejected.

After the public consultation period has ended, the authority will decide on the application within 15 working days, beginning on the first working day after the authority and responsible authorities receive the valid application. The proposed variation will either be granted or rejected.


You are recommended to contact the authority before displaying the statutory notice(s). This ensures that the correct consultation date is provided and a result to avoid any errors and potential breaches that could result in your application being rejected or delayed or having to re-advertise your application at the premises.

Applicants will be required to prominently advertise their application at or on the premises via a notice of at least A4 size on white paper that can be read from the outside of the premises for a period of not less than 10 working days. The notice must be repeated every 50m for large premises.

View the statutory white notice (PDF 16KB) which must be displayed at or on the premises in the format prescribed by the authority. The authority will display a summary copy of the application under Members Licensing Bulletin during the consultation period.


Representations can be in support or against an application and must be based on one or more of the four licensing objectives.

If you wish to make a representation on a licence application view the representation guidelines.

If any relevant representations are made to any submitted application, the authority will consider any representations received before making a decision.


No. This means that if you have not heard from the authority by the end of the target completion date, you will treat as though your application has been refused. This date is 15 workings days after the authority and the responsible authorities have received your valid application. The application fee is refundable.


At present we encourage all applicants to make electronic applications via the online portal.

Postal application is available by downloading and filling out the application forms by hand, making payment then scanning and emailing the application along with the payment to Licensing.Authority@redbridge.gov.uk, please contact the authority for copies of postal forms.

Any applications received without the required information and documentation including payment will be invalid for consideration by the authority.

If you are experiencing issues with the electronic PDF, it is possible that you are using an older version of Windows, Server or a device not compatible among other system issues. We recommend that you update to the newest version of Adobe Reader or use the latest Windows Server or other compatible operating system to access and submit an electronic application via the online portal.