Notification of interest in a premises

Any person including business or company with a property interest in any licensed premises within the Borough of Redbridge may notify the authority of their interest and the authority will notify the person with an interest of any applications received in relation to that licensed premises.

Who can benefit from the arrangement?

  • the freeholder
  • the leaseholder
  • a legal mortgagee in respect of the premises
  • a person in occupation of the premises
  • any other person as prescribed by the Secretary of State

Registration is optional and not therefore a legal requirement however the notice will have effect for only 12 months from the date of the notification but a new notice can be given every year. 

The authority will inform the person who registered an interest of any matters it believes is relevant including any changes to the statutory register which relates to those premises. This includes all licensing application under:

  • Premises Licences
  • Club Premises Certificates
  • Provisional Statements
  • Temporary Event Notices

Notification must be in a specific format and be accompanied by the required fee. Application fees are non-refundable if an application is withdrawn. The statutory fee is £21.00.          


Apply for notification of interest


The application will be considered valid only when all required information or documentations including the appropriate fee have been received.


The authority will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required.

If no documents are missing or additional information is required from applicant, the authority will acknowledge the notification within 10 workings days of receipt. 


Yes. If notification of interest has been made lawfully and there have been no representations from responsible authorities before the end of the consultation period. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period. The Council's target completion date is 30-days after the authority and the responsible authorities have received your valid notification of interest under the Licensing Act 2003.