Gambling and lottery licences
Public notice: Gambling policy update
The London Borough of Redbridge is notifying the residents and businesses of Redbridge that on Monday 31 March 2025 the updated Statement of Principles for Gambling will be published.
The Statement of Principles for Gambling will come into effect on Monday 28 April 2025.
A copy of the Statement of Principles for Gambling will be available online or at the Council office, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NY.
If you want to provide facilities for gambling you must hold a relevant licence or permit. We aim to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation at all times. To see how we handle personal information, please ensure that you have read our privacy notice.
There are three types of licence:
- Operator Licence, concerned with the management and conduct of gambling, issued and regulated by the Gambling Commission
- Personal Licence, for persons with key operational functions connected with the gambling business, issued and regulated by the Gambling Commission
- Premises Licence, for the property where the gambling takes place, issued and regulated by the us
- we also issue permits for premises to provide gaming machines
Further information is available from the links below and the Gambling Commission website.
Public register
Information on current applications or licensed premises and conditions is available by searching the public register.
Statement of principles
Every three years, Redbridge Council is required to produce a gambling policy also known as a statement of principles. The policy sets out our approach to licensing premises used for gambling such as amusement arcades, betting shops, bingo halls and clubs and pubs that provide gaming machines.
View our current statement of principles, Redbridge Council's Statement of Principles for Gambling (PDF 2020 KB) which covers the period 31 January 2022 to 30 January 2025.
Updated Gambling Policy 2025 to 2028
The Statement of Gambling Principles has been reviewed and refreshed to ensure that it is up to date and relevant to Redbridge’s current circumstances and how they affect the licensed gambling economy.
The full details of the policy can be found in the Statement of Gambling Principles 2025 to 2028.
Most of the changes are minor however, there's one proposed significant change which is detailed below:
Redbridge Gambling Vulnerability Area: a review of the data and key stakeholder views has been undertaken to update the previous Local Area Profile for Gambling in Redbridge. This has led to a new policy being included to outline additional consideration of vulnerability issues by any applicant seeking a licence for a premises in the area of Ilford Town and Ilford Lane.
The area proposed for the Gambling Vulnerability Area mirrors the current Ilford Town (including Ilford Lane) Cumulative Impact Zone in the Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-25. This policy will come into effect from Monday 28 April 2025 until the Thursday 27 April 2028.
Licensing objectives
The Gambling Act 2005 requires that Premises Licences granted must be reasonably consistent with the licensing objectives which are:
- preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime
- ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
- protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling
Any conditions applied to a licence will seek to promote these objectives.
If you wish to make a relevant representation or call for a review of a licence you should indicate which of the objectives it relates to.
Premises licence application
Use these forms to apply for a gambling premises licence.
- premises licence application - other applications GA01 (PDF 255KB)
- notice to responsible authorities - for use by individual applicants only GA02A (PDF 223KB)
- notice to responsible authorities - for use by multiple applicants/organisations GA02B (PDF 258KB)
- notice for display on premises (use an additional copy to send to the newspaper) GA03 (PDF 127KB)
- newspaper advertisement confirmation GA91 (PDF 42KB)
- premises licence application - other applications for vessels only GA06 (PDF 285KB)
Adult gaming centre premises licence fees
- new £2,000
- annual fee £1,000
- variation £1,000
- transfer £1,200
- reinstatement £1,200
- provisional statement £2,000
- application by provisional statement holder £1,200
- copy licence £25
- notification of change £50
Betting premises (non track) licence fees
- new £3,000
- annual fee £600
- variation £1,500
- transfer £1,200
- reinstatement £1,200
- provisional statement £3,000
- application by provisional statement holder £1,200
- copy licence £25
- notification of change £50
Betting premises (track) licence fees
- new £2,500
- annual fee £1,000
- variation £1,250
- transfer £950
- reinstatement £950
- provisional statement £2,500
- application by provisional statement holder £950
- copy licence £25
- notification of change £50
Bingo club premises licence fees
- new £3,500
- annual fee £1,000
- variation £1,750
- transfer £1,200
- reinstatement £1,200
- provisional statement £3,500
- application by provisional statement holder £1,200
- copy licence £25
- notification of change £50
Family entertainment centre premises licence fees
- new £2,000
- annual fee £750
- variation £1,000
- transfer £950
- reinstatement £950
- provisional statement £2,000
- application by provisional statement holder £950
- copy licence £25
- notification of change £80
Unlicensed family entertainment centre gaming machine permit fees
- new application £300
- renewal application £300
- change of name £30
- copy of permit £15
Prize gaming permit fees
- change of name of existing company (cannot be used to transfer) £30
- copy of permit £15
- new application £300
- renewal application £300
- change of name £30
- copy of permit £15
Alcohol licensed premises gaming fees
- notification of two or less gaming machines (please note a new notification is required if the alcohol licence is transferred to another person or company) £50
- new permit application (required where more than 2 machines provided) £150
- annual fee (permits only) £50
- change of name £25
- copy of permit £15
- variation (permits only) £100
- transfer (permits (only) £25
Club gaming and gaming machine permits
Applications should be directed to our Licensing Authority.
Club gaming machine permit application (PDF 310KB)
- annual fee £50
- new/renewal fee £200
- copy of permit £15
- variation £100
- New - Fast Track procedure for holder of a club premises certificate - £100
- Renewal – Fast Track procedure for holder of a club premises certificate - £100
Provisional statement
These forms relate to an application for a provisional statement.
- provisional statement application GA51 (PDF 237KB)
- notice to responsible authorities GA52A (PDF 68KB) for use by individual applicants only
- for use by multiple applicants or organisations GA52B (PDF 86KB) For use by multiple applicants or organisations
- notice for display on premises GA53 (PDF 22KB) (use an additional copy to send to the newspaper)
- newspaper advertisement confirmation GA91 (PDF 125KB)
Small society lottery
If you’re a society, club or charity with a head office in Redbridge and you intend to raise funds by selling tickets to the general public in advance of any type of draw (raffles, lotteries, tombolas, etc), then you will need to register with us. Full guidance on the application process can be obtained on the Gambling Commission website.
There are exemptions and limits so please read the guidance notes for your own events and for joint events and information on promoting lotteries before you apply. The Gambling Commission also have some useful information on running events.
New applications
If you meet the criteria, download and complete the small society lottery application form (PDF254KB). Return it to us by post or email with the supplementary documents listed below and a cheque or postal order for the application fee of £40, or we can invoice you to pay by a means convenient to you.
- Applicants must submit a copy of their terms and conditions and their constitution to establish that they are a non-commercial society.
- Details of two additional signatories who must be members of the society and appointed to sign the returns form (or the governing body). They must send us their letter of appointment. The Promoter cannot be a signatory.
- The licence holder will be required to complete a Declaration of Convictions (349KB) on application and every three years after that.
Annual fees
These licences are valid from the date of issue provided the annual fee is paid, this will be invoiced each October for the year ahead. Failure to settle this fee prior to December 31st will result in the licence lapsing and a new application would be required going forward. This fee is set at £20.
It is the responsibility of the registered organisation to keep us informed of any changes to the named officers, correspondence information, society's terms and conditions and constitution or equivalent and also to inform us in writing if the licence is to be surrendered.
Reporting activity
You will be required to provide a report of funds raised after each event on the small society return form (PDF 734KB). to be submitted within three months of the event.
- New application fee - £40 (includes a copy of the registration)
- Annual maintenance fee - £20
- A copy of the submitted event return - £15
- A copy of the registration - £15
Poker in pubs
There is a maximum value to both the amount that can be staked and the prize that can be offered when poker is played in pubs.
- the maximum stake per player is £5 per game. The combined stakes for your pub may not exceed £100 per day
- the maximum prize you can offer is £100 per game. This includes money, payment in kind, vouchers, goods, donated items, goodie bags, buy-ins at other poker tournaments and any other item that has a value
- you cannot charge a fee for participation. This includes, for example, making players pay for a compulsory meal
- whether the change is said to be voluntary or compulsory is irrelevant
- you may not link your poker game to games at other premises
The Gambling Commission has issued a Code of Practice for Poker in Pubs which explains in detail what pubs are required to do in order to hold poker.
The pub's Designated Premises Supervisor is responsible for ensuring compliance and keeping the records outlined in the Code of Practice.
If you fail to comply with the limits on stakes and prizes and the Code of Practice, the Licensing Authority may remove the exemption for alcohol licensed premises that allows you to provide poker in your pub.
There are different rules for providing poker in members clubs depending on whether the club is a commercial club (i.e. run as a business to make money) or whether it is a members club that is run on a 'not for profit' basis. Not for profit clubs return any money made to their members, for example by way of a subsidised bar facility.
Poker in clubs
Members clubs
- members clubs can obtain a Club Gaming Permit from the Council. This permit will allow poker with unlimited stakes and prizes to be held on the premises. A maximum participation fee of £3 a day can be charged
- there are important tests to determine whether premises are operating as genuine members clubs. If you offer poker or other gambling as the primary activity of the club (except for bridge and whist clubs) or if you offer poker on a commercial basis you would not be considered a bona fide members club. In such cases you may have your Club Premises Certificate (which allows members clubs to sell alcohol) revoked
- you may not deduct any money from stakes or winnings and you cannot charge a fee to anyone for playing poker except the maximum £3 fee described above
Commercial clubs
- the maximum stake per player is £10 per game. The combined stakes for your premises must not exceed £250 a day up to a maximum of £1,000 per week. The maximum prize you can offer is £250 per game
- if you don't have a Club Machine Permit, you can charge a maximum participation fee of £1 per person per day. If you do have a Club Machine Permit, you can charge a maximum participation fee of £3 per player per day
- you cannot increase the participation fee by requiring any form of 'voluntary' donation
Do you have concerns about a licensed premises?
Please report it here.