Occasional sales licences

An occasional sale is defined as a group of five or more buyers or sellers operating from a site that is not normally licenced for other trading purposes.  

Car boot sales will usually fall within this definition. Sales held inside buildings or on a highway are excluded from the definition and do not have to be licensed as occasional sales.

Outdoor events that include traders should apply for an Occasional Sales Licence as well as their Licensing Act 2003 application for music, entertainment or alcohol.


Apply for a licence

Please read our guidance for occasional sales application (PDF 42KB).  We aim to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation at all times. To see how we handle personal information, please ensure that you have read our Privacy Notice.   


Please note that there is an issue with downloading some forms from gov.uk and some devices or older PDF editors.  If you get an error downloading any of the forms below, please try other browsers, or do not click the left button as usual to download, instead click the right button and select the option Adobe Acrobat PDF edit, convert, sign tools, then Convert link to Adobe PDF.   Alternatively download the form below and upload it to the website instead when prompted in the application process. 

By post

By email

If payment is not received with the application, we will raise an invoice for the fee due which must be paid before the event.

Applications should be received no later than 21 days before the proposed event.


The fee for an occasional sale licence depends on the number of stalls, vehicles or pitches and is listed in the table below:

Number of stalls/vehicles/pitches Fee From 1 April 2025
1 - 99 £128.50 £147.80
100 - 299 £398 £457.70
300 or more £607 £698
Redbridge "good cause"  £13 £14.95

The fee should be made payable to the London Borough of Redbridge.


Fire risk assessment

The Fire Safety Order (Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005) applies to events and car boot sales.

As part of the planning and ongoing management of events, including car boot sales, a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment should be carried out by a competent fire risk assessor. Where licences are in force, these assessments need to be recorded. Part of this assessment must include the means to stop the spread of fire, water supplies, emergency services access and the safe evacuation of the site if it becomes necessary.

Guidance notes for issuing to organisers and other members of the public are provided.



Please contact us in the first instance. If an application for a licence is refused the failed applicant can appeal. Appeals are made to the local Magistrates’ Court.



We would always advise that in the event of a complaint, the first contact is made with the trader by you. If that has not worked and you are located in the UK, Citizens Advice consumer service will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre 

Anyone who is affected by noise or other nuisance associated with an occasional sale and who needs an immediate response can report to our Enforcement Team.

If you have other concerns regarding a sale please use our Report it option and we will respond within 10 days.