Bogus callers and rogue traders

Coronavirus: be aware of scams

Unfortunately, thieves are using the coronavirus outbreak to extort money from residents or gain access to people's homes. Find out more information on scams from: 

Action Fraud

Most people who call at your home will be genuine but sometimes people turn up with other intentions. Some may try to trick their way into your home to steal from you or sell you goods and services using illegal selling techniques. These are known as “bogus callers”.

They may pose as utility workers with false IDs or as someone in trouble needing your help.

“Rogue traders” turn up unannounced, claiming to be workers offering to sell services, making repairs or carrying out work on your house, garden or driveway.

Advice on dealing with doorstep callers

If someone you don't know calls at your door follow these simple steps:

  • keep your doors locked, even when at home
  • check who’s at the door through the spy hole and use a door chain
  • ask to see ID and check it looks genuine (photo, expiry date etc)

If in doubt:

  • call the person’s company
  • use the password scheme set up by all gas, electricity and water companies
  • use a Nominated Neighbour Scheme if available

Reporting bogus callers

  • if you think a “bogus caller” or “rogue trader” has called at your door or have been a victim of crime dial 999 and try to give the Police a description of the person
  • if you see something suspicious in your area, or want more advice about doorstep crime contact the Police on 101

Victims of bogus callers

Anyone who has been affected by a” bogus caller” or a “rogue trader” can speak in confidence to Victim Support  by calling the support line on 08 08 16 89 111.

You don't have to have reported the crime to the Police and there is no time limit on when the incident happened.

Redbridge Bogus Caller Partnership

The Redbridge Bogus Caller Partnership is made up of:

  • the Fire Brigade
  • the Police
  • Redbridge Council
  • a community groups
  • charity groups
  • healthcare groups

We work to educate residents about bogus callers and advise them on things to look out for and who to call if they have concerns.