Single person discount review

This tells you how to complete your review if you've received a letter from us.  

We’re carrying out a review of all households claiming a single person discount on their council tax bill.

We’re doing this review with Civica UK Ltd.   


What you need to do 

Complete your form and return it to the address on the letter.

If you’re the only adult over the age of 18 living in the property, you’ll need to tick the relevant box, sign and date the form.

If there is more than one adult living at the property, provide their name, date of birth, the date they moved in and their previous address.

If you think they should not be counted for council tax, you need to include them on the form and tell us why.

If you need help with what evidence you need to provide phone 0300 330 1505.  

If you do not complete the form  

We’ll assume that your situation has changed and you’re no longer entitled to the discount.

Your single person discount will be removed and a new bill sent to you.