Alley gating scheme

Alleyways can make houses more vulnerable to crime and anti-social behaviour.  Sometimes, residents like to get together to fund and install gates to restrict access to vulnerable private alleyways.

Match funding

Permission can always be requested to erect Alleygates at resident's request. 

Currently, match funding is available for residents to be supported with their request to erect an alley gate where it is fully approved.

How much does it cost

Typically alley gate schemes cost in excess of £3,000, depending on how many gates are required, the width of the entrances and whether side panels are needed as well.


What to think about and your responsibilities

The amount of time between application and gate installation can range from 4 months to over a year depending on the complexity of the scheme and how proactive you as residents are.

Much of the work in setting up an alley gate scheme is the responsibility of residents and you will need to work together with your neighbours to make an application for permission, and have appropriate funding available and in place.


How we assess applications

Applications will be assessed on the potential reduction in crime and the potential benefits of implementing an alley gating scheme, using the following criteria:

  • evidenced problems, both recent and historic incidents, where the alleyway has experienced crime, anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and/or graffiti.
  • agreement that an alley gate scheme will address the problem(s) and that it satisfactorily meets design specifications criteria. 
  • the alley way enables direct access to multiple properties (more than 4) and there is evidenced consent from all legal owners (not tenants) of the properties whose access will be directly restricted by an alley gate scheme (an example of approved wording for consents is included at the end of this page); and
  • compliance with planning regulations and planning permission (where necessary), and satisfactory access arrangements for services (such as Fire Brigade, rubbish collection, sewage).


How to apply

Please apply online using our application form.

Apply for the alley gate scheme

Submitting an application

The lead resident will need to:

  1. Obtain written consent from the legal owner of each property affected that they consent to the installation of an alley gate.
  2. Obtain written confirmation that they are the legal owner of the property.
  3. Contact the LB Redbridge Ally Gates Coordinator for an indication of approximate costs (
  4. Complete the online application, supplying evidence.

When we have received the application

Upon receiving the application the alley gates coordinator will make further enquiries with:

  • Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhood Team for crime ASB statistics

  • Redbridge's Community Protection Team for statistics regarding anti-social behaviour
  • Redbridge's Street Cleansing Service for statistics on fly-tipping and waste issues.

The alley gates coordinator will also:

  • obtain a quote for the installation of a gate(s)
  • carry out a site visit with relevant organisations
  • obtain a decision on funding;
  • attend planning team meeting for guidance on whether planning permission is needed or whether a gate can be placed/designed in such a way as to avoid the need for permission. This depends on factors such as height of gate, proximity to highway and also any listed buildings. If planning permission is required residents will need to make the application.
  • feedback to the lead resident

If planning permission is required

If planning permission is needed, residents will need to make the application to the planning service

This will require technical drawings to support the application and an application fee of £206.

Next steps after feedback

When the lead resident has received feedback from the alley gating coordinator, residents set up a separate bank account and collect money.

We will then:

  • agree the final specification with residents
  • invoice the residents for 25% of the total cost
  • commission the gate(s); and
  • check the installation is complete and authorise payment

Example of approved wording for consent to an alley gate scheme

You can develop the wording of the letter to suit your circumstances, for example by outlining problems caused by the alley, and covering any support you have already obtained.

You can adapt the consent form by additionally including (for example), willingness to contribute towards the cost and/or assist with the project.


Dear Neighbour,

Re: Opportunity to apply for Council funding for gating of alleyway.

We are considering installing an alley gate to help address problems caused by the alleyway.

There is currently some Council funding available for up to 75% of installing an alley gate, where the alley has contributed to an evidenced problem of crime, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.

Any alley gate scheme will need the written consent of all legal owners of properties within the scheme before it can go ahead.

Please indicate your agreement, or otherwise by completing and signing the slip below and returning it to me.

My contact details are shown below should you wish to discuss the benefits of the scheme.

Lead resident:

Contact details:


If you are renting your property please pass this letter to your landlord

Alleyway at [add address here]

I AGREE/DISAGREE to the installation of a metal alley gate for safety and security reasons at the end(s) of the above alleyway. (Please delete as appropriate).


I am the legal owner of the property shown below.


Address of property within the proposed scheme:

Contact details:



Please return your completed consent form to:

If you have any questions or queries about the application process, please contact the Alley Gates Coordinator on or 020 8708 5974.