Anti-social behaviour

  • noise nuisance and neighbours
  • rowdy behaviour
  • vandalism
  • begging
  • loud parties
  • noisy building works (during regulated hours)
  • an intruder alarm
  • nuisance bonfires (out of hours)
  • unlicensed music events

See more on antisocial behaviour (Metropolitan Police)

Report anti-social behaviour

  • Notify us of any past, present and recurring anti-social behaviour through our form below.
  • It may help if you supply us with an ASB diary, recording the dates, times and other details of the nuisance over a two week period.

Report anti-social behaviour 

Report noise in the street or substance misuse

  • We do not deal with excessive noise in the street or drug use. The use and dealing of drugs is a criminal offence and should be reported to the Police.

Report nuisance bonfires

Community Protection Taskforce

  • interviewing people
  • issuing warning letters
  • issue Anti-Social Behaviour Warnings
  • obtaining Parenting Orders and Individual Support Orders
  • serving Noise Abatement Notices
  • issuing Civil Injunctions
  • issuing Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO's)
  • issuing Community Protection Notices (CPN's)
  • introducing and enforcing Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO's)
  • obtaining and executing Closure Orders
  • prosecuting for breach of a Noise Abatement Notice
  • obtaining a warrant from the magistrates to seize and remove all noise making equipment
  • start possession proceedings against council tenants
  • using contractors to disable alarms and recharging the owner for the costs
  • requesting licensing reviews


Public spaces protection orders (PSPO)

  • We use Public Spaces Protection Orders to control behaviour that is either having, or is likely to have a harmful effect on a local communities quality of life.

CMARAC is a monthly multi-agency meeting where information is shared on complex/high risk cases involving vulnerable victims and perpetrators of Anti-Social Behaviour.

Please note only professionals can make a referral. When making a referral consider if the individual(s) are:

    • High risk
    • Vulnerable
    • Require a multi-agency response
    • Prolific offenders

Please use the relevant referral form for referring the victim and/or perpetrator:

Redbridge Community MARAC - Victim Referral Form

Redbridge Community MARAC - Perpetrator Referral Form


The ASB Case Review gives victims of persistent anti-social behaviour reported to any of the main responsible agencies (council, police, housing provider etc.) the right to request a multi-agency review of their case, where it meets the threshold.

When you can request a review?

You can seek a review if:

  • You have made three separate reports of incidents of anti-social behaviour in the previous six months, and you feel that no action has been taken; and
  • The request for review is made within a month of the third incident being reported

What can I expect?

Within 10 working days of an ASB Case Review being submitted, an assessment will be made based on the information you have provided to determine whether the threshold has been met. To this end, regard will be given to:

  • The persistence of the ASB the original complaint was made about
  • The harm or potential harm caused by that behaviour
  • The adequacy or otherwise of the response to that behaviour

A designated officer will contact you to explain the decision as to if your submitted case has met the threshold for review.

When considering any application for an Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review, ASB will be taken to mean behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress to any member or members of the public.

Anonymous, frivolous or vexatious applications will not be considered.

If the threshold is met for a Case Review

Within 28 days of the decision to accept the case for review, information on the case will be requested from the relevant agencies, who will jointly:

  • look at the sharing of information between agencies
  • review the actions already considered and taken
  • where necessary make recommendations for the relevant agency or agencies to take further action

Where relevant you or your representative will be invited to present your case to a panel including representatives of the relevant agencies to inform their decision making and provide further information.

A designated officer will contact you to explain:

  • the outcome of the review
  • any recommendations made resulting from the review

Appointment of a Lead Agency

The Anti-Social Behaviour Review is not an agency and will not manage accepted cases. The panel will appoint a Lead Agency and Officer, who will be responsible for any Actions recommended during the Review.

Appealing a Decision

There will be scope to appeal the panel's decision regarding whether or not the threshold has been met or with the decision made on completion of the review.

Submitting a Case for Review

In order to gather the necessary evidence to fully investigate your case, we will need to share the details you submit and any relevant information with our partners. 

Find out more about how we will share information with partner agencies involved in the review.

Make an application for a ASB Review