Anti-social behaviour

  • noise nuisance and neighbours
  • rowdy behaviour
  • vandalism
  • begging
  • loud parties
  • noisy building works (during regulated hours)
  • an intruder alarm
  • nuisance bonfires (out of hours)
  • unlicensed music events

See more on antisocial behaviour (Metropolitan Police)

Report anti-social behaviour

  • Notify us of any past, present and recurring anti-social behaviour through our form below.
  • It may help if you supply us with an ASB diary, recording the dates, times and other details of the nuisance over a two week period.

Report anti-social behaviour 

Report noise in the street or substance misuse

  • We do not deal with excessive noise in the street or drug use. The use and dealing of drugs is a criminal offence and should be reported to the Police.

Report nuisance bonfires

Community Protection Taskforce

  • interviewing people
  • issuing warning letters
  • issue Anti-Social Behaviour Warnings
  • obtaining Parenting Orders and Individual Support Orders
  • serving Noise Abatement Notices
  • issuing Civil Injunctions
  • issuing Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO's)
  • issuing Community Protection Notices (CPN's)
  • introducing and enforcing Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO's)
  • obtaining and executing Closure Orders
  • prosecuting for breach of a Noise Abatement Notice
  • obtaining a warrant from the magistrates to seize and remove all noise making equipment
  • start possession proceedings against council tenants
  • using contractors to disable alarms and recharging the owner for the costs
  • requesting licensing reviews


Public spaces protection orders (PSPO)

  • We use Public Spaces Protection Orders to control behaviour that is either having, or is likely to have a harmful effect on a local communities quality of life.


Please submit a community trigger as detailed above in the first instance about how your response to reporting antisocial behaviour was handled.  If you wish to make another complaint about the service, please follow the corporate complaints process.

CMARAC is a monthly multi-agency meeting where information is shared on complex/high risk cases involving vulnerable victims and perpetrators of Anti-Social Behaviour.

Please note only professionals can make a referral. When making a referral consider if the individual(s) are:

    • High risk
    • Vulnerable
    • Require a multi-agency response
    • Prolific offenders

Please use the relevant referral form for referring the victim and/or perpetrator:

Redbridge Community MARAC - Victim Referral Form

Redbridge Community MARAC - Perpetrator Referral Form