Extreme weather

Highways flooding and drainage


Information on high winds from the Met Office

Report a problem with damaged or fallen tree on public/council land

Report a problem with a tree online

Report damage to property

Report damage to property from high winds contact the Building Control Team, who will be able to assist you.


Our officers and gritting vehicles are on standby and continually monitor the weather conditions. 

Please follow us on Twitter for gritting updates and other service updates.

Gritting and road users


Burst water pipes

Due to the cold weather, there may be an increased risk of burst water pipes.  If you spot a burst water pipe down your road, please contact your water provider. 


During hot weather the heat affects everyone particularly the young, elderly and people who are fasting.

When temperatures are high, keep safe and healthy by finding shade to cool down and stay hydrated by drinking of plenty of cool fluids.

Advice on keeping healthy and well during summer