Mental health
Good mental wellbeing is critical for our health, relationships, sense of purpose and our ability to cope with our daily life. Just like we may need help with our physical health, many of us will need mental health support at some point in our lives.
Urgent- I need help now
If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis – you can call Mental Health Direct 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0800 995 1000 or NHS 111 - Option 2.
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call Samaritans on 116 123 for free. Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will give you free, confidential, and non-judgmental emotional support.
If you are at immediate risk of physical harm because of mental health concern or feel like you need immediate assistance, please call 999 or visit your local A&E
Shout Crisis Text Line is a 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. Text 85258. For more information visit the Shout Crisis website.
Find a GP near you
If you are concerned about your mental health, you should seek an appointment with your GP for advice, support, or treatment. Find your local GP
You can also call NHS free of charge by dialing 111.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Map
View the wide range of local and online services and support on the interactive Mental Health and Wellbeing Map. This map is designed to be a one-stop-shop for accessing a range of mental health and wellbeing services – which includes therapeutic support, social support groups, wellness activities, and many more.
Therapy and counselling
Redbridge Talking Therapies provides a range of psychological therapies and counselling services. For free. You can self-refer online or call 0300 300 1554 (option 1) available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
The Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service (EWMHS/CAMHS) offers a wide range of specialist treatment programs to children, young people and their families. Call 0300 300 1618 (option: CAMHS).
Safe Connections Community hub provides a safe space for people experiencing suicidal thoughts to talk about their feelings and concerns. Call 0300 561 0115 or email to request a call back.
Kooth is a free, safe, and anonymous online counselling service for young people.
Mentell provides circles for men aged 18+ to talk in a safe and confidential space, free from advice and judgement.
Understanding Your Own Trauma - Free Course
This online course is for people who want to understand more about their own trauma or to support others in managing trauma.
Psychological trauma is an emotional response to a distressing event or series of events that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. Trauma overwhelms the processes in our brain, which usually help us to make sense of experiences and can have a lasting impact on our lives.
Understanding your own trauma is for people who have experienced trauma at any point in their lives, perhaps through loss, bereavement, an accident, or illness. It is also for those who want to support friends or family through trauma. This course is not a replacement for therapy or counselling. You may find it difficult at times, and perhaps you would find it helpful to talk to someone, so we have included some signposts for further support, should you need it.
To access the free course visit - inourplace | Solihull Approach – Redbridge | inourplace
Self help
Good thinking - supporting Londoners to look after their mental health and wellbeing in a way that works for them
Better Health- every mind matters/NHS
Get expert advice and practical tips, try the 'How are you?' quiz or create a tailored self care plan to support your mental health and wellbeing.
Are you looking for a guided self-help on the NHS? You can do this on your own time to help with stress, anxiety, depression and more.
Five steps to improve your wellbeing
The NHS has shared five steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing:
- Connect with other people
- Be active - take the stairs, go for a walk, sign up to a yoga class
- Learn new skills
- Give to others - volunteer, join a community group, help someone
- Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness) of the environment around you and enjoy the moment.
Read more about the five steps on the NHS website
Become a mental health champion
By becoming a mental health champion, you can play an active part in improving your own wellbeing and support the wellbeing of those around you.
You will:
- have the skills, tools, and resources to support one another
- have awareness and understanding of the factors influencing mental health and wellbeing
- have access to training opportunities
- make a real difference in people’s life
- be more resilient and feel able to cope with life’s challenges