Stop smoking
Quitting smoking can be hard on your own
Find out how you can get support below.
Redbridge Quits Smoking
Redbridge Quits Smoking offers free and confidential support for anyone living, working, or studying in Redbridge, aged 12 and above.
As well as people who smoke cigarettes, we work with professional interpreters to support people who use other forms of tobacco that can also be addictive and harmful, such as paan, betel quid, gutkha, bidi, and shisha. We can also support those who are concerned about their use of vapes or e-cigarettes.
There are several ways that you can contact the Redbridge Stop Smoking Service:
- Fill in a referral form
- Call us on 0300 303 2715
- Text BREATHE to 82228
- Email
For more information visit the Redbridge Quits Smoking website
Allen Carr's Easyway - Quit Smoking the Easy Way
Allen Carr's Easyway is a drug-free approved method for helping people to quit smoking. Easyway is a one-day seminar lasting around five hours, either online or in person. The aim is to change the way you feel and think about cigarettes. After the seminar, you will have the opportunity to request support by phone and email and a follow-up seminar if needed. If you don't quit after your first attempt, you will be offered a backup seminar.
Find out more about ACE and booking a place on the seminar via the following link:
Help to stop smoking programmes – quit smoking the Easyway (
Stop Smoking London
London residents can access free specialist phone support from trained advisers. The helpline is available seven days a week and you can receive a 28 day support service. If you require your remote support in Urdu, Romanian, Turkish or Polish or in 'Read Aloud' then this option is available too.
Call the helpline on 0300 123 1044 to begin your journey or visit Stop Smoking London for more information.
Download the Smoke Free App
For a limited period, smokers across London can get six-months free access to the premium version of the highly regarded SmokeFree app to support them give up smoking for good. As well as all the regular features of the app, it provides access to 24/7 real time support and 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy or vapes – delivered to your door, at no extra cost.
The regular features of the app, which has already supported thousands of people quit smoking in the UK, include proven tools to help you, such as quit missions, group support, games with merit badges and information on the financial benefits of quitting. The SmokeFree app scores very highly with smokers looking to quit, achieving a review score 4.8 with the Apple App Store, and 4.7 with Google Play.
This is a time limited offer so if you feel this offer would support you quit smoking don’t hesitate to download the app and look at how it can help you. To download the app and have access to the premium version use this link or scan the QR code below:
Better health/NHS
Better Health provides a free personal quit plan, information on smoking aids, NHS Quit Smoking app, daily motivational emails and text support and more.
Join the community on Facebook
Join a community of support by visiting NHS Smokefree on Facebook