Armed Forces Covenant

We have signed the Armed Forces Covenant to make sure the armed forces community in Redbridge gets the support they need.


What is the Armed Forces Covenant?

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

It’s two key principles are that:

  • the armed forces community, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to other citizens
  • special consideration should be given when appropriate, especially for those who have given the most such as the injured and the bereaved

Find out more on the Armed Forces Covenant website


Redbridge Armed Forces Covenant

We signed the Armed Forces Covenant in 2013, which strengthens the partnership between us and the armed forces.

The armed forces community includes regular and reservist members of the forces, veterans and their families.

The figures from the Office for National Statistics show there are 2801 members of the armed forced community living in Redbridge, making up around 1.2% of our total borough population. 

Redbridge has no regular military units but one reserve squadron and six active cadets units.


Support we offer

Here are some of the ways that we support the armed forces community in Redbridge. 

Council tax exemptions

There are council tax exemptions for UK armed forces and visiting armed forces in Redbridge. Find out more about council tax discounts and exemptions.        

Employment and skills support

We provide employment and training support for:         

  • current members of the armed forces
  • those who have left the service

We can help with:          

  • searching and applying for jobs
  • finding new ways to use your skills
  • getting training to develop more skills

Get more information or contact us at Work Redbridge.


Where the need is urgent, Armed Forces members and their families who have a link with Redbridge will be recognised in housing allocations policies.


Support from organisations

Below are organisations and services that provide support for those who serve or have served in the armed forces.

Veterans Gateway offers support to veterans on a wide range of matters from personal relationships to housing and employment.

You can call 0808 802 1212, Monday to Sunday 8am to 8pm.

An app called Forces Connect is available to download from the Apple App Store and GooglePlay.

It contains information about a range of services available in your area.

The NHS has support services available specifically for members of the armed forces community, including family members of those who are serving or have served.

Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) provides one to one support to all veterans, their families and carers. It is run by Veterans UK, which is part of the Ministry of Defence.

NHS Redbridge Talking Therapies service offers a wide range of free treatments and services for anyone going through a hard time or struggling with feeling stressed, anxious, low or other distressing emotions.

Defence Medical Welfare Service provides practical and emotional support to the following people whilst in hospital, rehabilitation or recovery centres:

  • serving military personnel
  • veterans
  • their families
  • other entitled civilians