Major works are large repair and maintenance jobs on council properties and estates.
This includes:
- replacing external windows
- replacing communal doors
- replacing rainwater goods
- roof and chimney renovations
- external wall renovations
Major works also include painting communal areas and the external building.
We have to ensure our housing stock is maintained to meet legal standards.
Major works take place when we have the funding to do the work.
Unless it is an emergency, the Council will write to you about any major works before they take place.
Check how major works affects leaseholders
Redbridge Council will consult with you on any planned major works that cost more than £250 to you as a leaseholder, or £100 if it is a long-term agreement.
You will be charged if there are major repairs that have to be made to your home under the terms of your lease.
Find out more about major works or improvements including:
- the consultation process
- who has to pay
- what happens if things go wrong
Check how the Decent Homes Standard affects council tenants
Council houses that are rented out to tenants must meet the government’s Decent Homes Standard.
This means that the essential parts of the property should be in a suitable condition for the property’s age.
Essential parts of the property include:
- the roof
- windows
- electrical wiring
- heating
- kitchen and bathroom
We will usually replace the kitchen and bathroom if:
- the kitchen is over 20 years old
- the bathroom is over 30 years old
- both are in poor condition
We have an ongoing major works programme in place which ensures that we meet the Decent Homes Standard.
Work is carried out depending on the age and condition of the property.
Find out more about the Decent Homes Standard for social housing.