Housing associations and registered providers

Registered Providers (RPs) work closely with us to develop affordable housing in Redbridge. RPs are able to access funding to build new homes from the Government's funding arm, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).

RPs work with us to develop homes for:

  • affordable rent
  • shared ownership
  • private rented
  • sheltered housing 
  • supported living units

They manage their properties once they have been built and are involved in a wide range of community-based and regeneration activities in Redbridge. We provide support and offer services for RPs to manage their housing stock effectively and efficiently.

To apply for RPs housing, you need to join our housing register. The majority of available properties are let through the Choice Homes bidding system. If you are interested in RP properties for sale or rent, please see the RPs operating in Redbridge list.


Shared ownership schemes are provided through Registered Providers (RPs). Shared ownership schemes enable you buy a share of your home (between 25% and 75% of the home’s value) and pay rent on the remaining share.

Selling your home

If you fully own your home, you can sell it yourself.  When you put it up for sale, the RP has the right to buy the property back first. This is known as ‘first refusal’ and the RP has this right for 21 years after you fully own the home.  If you own a share of your home, the RP has the right to find a buyer for it.


You can buy a home through shared ownership if:

  • your household earns £60,000 a year or less
  • you’re a first-time buyer - or you used to own a home, but can’t afford to buy one now
  • you rent a council or housing association property