Ilford is the destination
The Council’s vision for the future of Ilford is articulated within the Ilford Manifesto “Ilford for All” and Regenerating Ilford: Delivery Prospectus. Co-produced with local residents, businesses and stakeholders and supported by the policies of the Local Plan and Regeneration Strategy the vision seeks to redefine Ilford as a modern metropolitan town centre rooted in east London.
Aspirations for Ilford include:
- Maintaining a safe and high-quality environment for people to use and enjoy
- Making the town centre attractive to investment in retail and residential development
- Making the town centre attractive to visitors and transforming the image of the town centre
- Increasing footfall in the town centre, stimulating private investment in existing and new retail facilities and new housing
- Building on major public investment, particularly the new Crossrail station and public realm scheme associated with it, LEN Garden Junction phase 1, HZ western gyratory redesign
- Improving pedestrian and cycle connections to / from surrounding residential areas
- Improving access to outdoor recreation
- Protecting and enhancing heritage assets