Infrastructure projects
Ilford public realm
A multi-million pound boost for major street improvements is underway to transform Ilford High Road, including new street furniture, play features and public art.
Work is underway to create new, high-quality and accessible public spaces on Ilford High Road (from the crossroads with Cranbrook Road through to the area outside Ilford Police Station) and includes the following connecting side streets: Clements Lane, Oakfield Road and Chadwick Road.
The major improvements have been created specifically for the needs of the community in Ilford following extensive consultation. Metis, in discussion with stakeholders and the community have put together the following concept designs.
Works include replacing the existing paving with granite paving slabs, additional and/or replacement trees, sustainable drainage and street furniture. Mechanical and electrical infrastructure will also be installed, including electric and water supplies for the market stalls.
You can email us at or call Kenson Civils & Highways on 01708550437 if you have any specific enquiries.