Vaccination bus arrives in Redbridge to further boost vaccine uptake
Published: 27 April 2021
A vaccination bus is rolling into Redbridge this week, to help further boost uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in the borough.
The double decker bus, a partnership between Redbridge Council, the NHS and local community groups, has clinicians and volunteers on site ready to deliver the life-saving jabs to Redbridge residents.
Anyone eligible for a first or second vaccination can book using the number below to get their jab, while residents can also pick up rapid testing kits or come along for information and advice.
The bus is initially providing twilight sessions at local mosques to enable residents observing Ramadan to attend and get vaccinated, without breaking their fast.
Redbridge Director of Public Health, Gladys Xavier said: “Over 120,000 people in Redbridge have so far taken a COVID-19 vaccine. We want to make it as easy as possible to get vaccinated, and the new bus will support many more people to do so while helping to keep Redbridge safe.
“We are working with our community partners to locate the bus in the right places, at the right times, so that as many people as possible can have easy access to vaccine jabs and testing kits. As well as visiting local mosques during Ramadan, the bus will also continue to tour across different locations in the borough.”
The bus will officially be launched in Ilford at Balfour Road Mosque car park on Tuesday 27 April. The outreach vaccination team - including local GPs, nurses and pharmacists, Clinical lead of the outreach team Dr Seedat and Loxford PCN Clinical Director Dr Ali - will be at the launch ready to answer questions about COVID-19 vaccines whilst Clinicians and volunteers will be vaccinating residents.
Dr Najib Seedat who is also a GP at the Ilford medical centre said: “I’m delighted to be part of this engagement work to help educate the public around COVID-19 vaccines and help vaccinate residents who are eligible. The vaccination bus is a great idea as we as GPs can also use this as a route to get our patients vaccinated. I encourage people to book the vaccination bus, especially community groups as this will allow us to vaccinate more people at once in a location that works best for them.”
Residents are encouraged to book their vaccine jab on the vaccine bus on a day and time that suits them by calling the free phone line: 0800 038 59 29 between 8.00am-8.00pm, seven days a week. Community groups and organisations can also book the bus. Keep a look out on our social media channels for more information.
The latest bus schedule can be found below, with more dates to be confirmed soon.
Redbridge Vaccination Bus Schedule
Tuesday 27 April - Balfour Road, Ilford, IG1 4JE
Thursday 29 April - Belgrave Rd, Ilford, IG1 3LG
Saturday 1 May - Newbury Park, Ilford IG2 7PY
From 6.30pm to 8.30pm on dates above.
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