Students going into a high school

School admissions online session

Published: 30 August 2024

Update 11 September 2024

Thank you to those who dialled in to the Teams meeting on Monday, to hear about the admissions process. We had a really good turn out and we hope you found it useful.

Below are the most frequently asked questions from the meeting and the admissions team's answers.
For more information on the admissions process, please visit the admissions web pages.

Frequently asked questions

Are school places first-come, first-served?

No. We consider all applications equally after the deadline.

I want my child to go to one particular school. Can I just put that on the form?

You should use all six preferences to ensure that your child has the best chance of getting into a school that meets their needs. We recommend researching the OFSTED reports and visiting several open days at local schools and choosing your preferences based on this.

Can I change my child’s application once it’s been submitted?

Yes. You can amend and re-submit your application up to deadline day.

Does an early application mean I will have a better chance of getting my child into their preferred school?

No. All applications will be considered equally after the closing date,

Is the addition of VAT to private school fees likely to impact on state school places in Redbridge?

We are yet to see the impact of this decision, but it is unlikely. In many Redbridge schools the number of places on offer is lower than the physical capacity of the school, therefore if absolutely necessary we could increase the number on roll.

Am I only in the catchment area for one school?

Yes. Your address will only be in the catchment area for one secondary school.

How are catchment areas calculated?

How distances are calculated is explained in the admissions arrangements and Code of Practice 

When will my child receive their 11+ results for grammar school applications?

Week commencing 21st October.

Can I only apply for schools in Redbridge?

No, you can apply for schools in other boroughs. You should still apply through Redbridge.

When should I send a SIF to my chosen school?

A supplementary information form (SIF) must be returned to the school by the deadline date for applications.

If the school I choose is far away from my home, can I use a relative’s or my business address?

No, this is considered fraud, and will severely impact your application. The use of an “address of convenience” is an offence, and we regularly conduct checks to ensure that the addresses used on applications are genuine.

Do SATs results impact my child’s secondary school acceptance?

No, the outcome of your child’s SATs results do not impact on their acceptance into secondary school.


Secondary school applications session

Redbridge Council hosted an online session on 9 September to support parents who need to apply for a secondary school place for 2025-26.

The session was hosted by Cllr Kam Rai, Leader of Redbridge Council. He was joined by colleagues who work in the admissions team and they took parents through the process of applying for a school place, what they can expect, the key dates to remember, and other useful information on the process.

Additional information on applying for your school place