image of electric van

Redbridge Council lead the charge on greener travel with new fleet of electric vehicles

Published: 22 January 2021

Redbridge Council is starting the New Year with a greener fleet thanks to the purchase of 12 new electric vehicles, charged by the newly created rapid electric vehicle charging bays at the council’s Ley Street Depot.

Leading by example, the council is encouraging more residents and businesses to make the switch to more sustainable modes of transport as part of its commitment to tackle air pollution and reduce the borough’s carbon footprint.

As part of the council’s plans to expand electric vehicle charging across the borough an ultra-fast charging hub for local businesses is also being created at the Ley Street Depot.

The ultra-fast charging hub will support local businesses to use cleaner vehicles, and has been made possible through an innovative partnership with the Mayor of London and E.ON.  It will include at least two fast charging points offering businesses the capability to fully charge their electric vehicles in under an hour.

Both initiatives are part of a range of environmental and air quality improvement schemes resulting from the borough’s successful bid to form a Business Low Emission Neighbourhood (BLEN) in and around Ley Street in Ilford.

The Redbridge BLEN is supported with £250,000 from the Mayor of London and aims to encourage electrical vehicle uptake, improve local freight movements, and encourage more walking and cycling in the borough to cut air pollution, congestion and carbon emissions.

Additional plans greenlighted under the Redbridge BLEN include:

  • More greenery and trees added around the Ley Street and Horns Road junction of the A12, to provide a natural barrier against vehicle emissions for pedestrians.
  • A new central freight hub in Ley Street, which will channel and coordinate deliveries to help businesses avoid making multiple drops.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Civic Pride Cllr Jo Blackman said: “This is another great step forward in our on-going commitment to improving air quality in the borough, creating a healthier, cleaner and greener environment for our communities to enjoy and tackling climate change.”

London’s Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy Shirley Rodrigues, said: “Cutting toxic air pollution requires action at all levels of government, which is why the Mayor is supporting local initiatives such as the Redbridge Business Low Emission Neighbourhood (BLEN), alongside London-wide measures like the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone. We’re delighted to be able to support businesses to access ultra-fast charging through the new Ley Street hub. The hub will add to London’s total of over 450 rapid charge points, encouraging more electric vehicles on the roads and supporting London's green recovery from the pandemic."

Darren Gardner, Head of E.ON Drive in the UK, said: “Transport is still one of the UK’s biggest causes of climate change, not to mention poor air quality in built up areas. Electric vehicles produce considerably lower emissions and to help clear the air in Redbridge we are helping to make recharging quick and convenient for drivers. These rapid charging bays and the ultra-fast charging station are an important step towards supporting the council’s ambitions.”

The initiatives being run under the Redbridge BLEN project will be delivered over a two-year period, and have been funded by Redbridge Council, the Mayor of London’s Air Quality Fund and EON. The rapid electric vehicle charging bays and ultra-fast charging hub are being installed by E.ON.

Find out about the benefits of owning an electric vehicle in Redbridge: