
Serial fly-tipper faces second court prosecution after blighting her neighbourhood with rubbish

Published: 6 June 2024

An Ilford woman who was successfully prosecuted by Redbridge Council after repeatedly leaving rubbish dumped on the street, yards from her home, was back in court after breaking a legal notice ordering her to store her waste properly.

Serial fly-tipper Estera Padure was first taken to court by the Council last November, after being linked to several fly-tipping incidents in Kent View Gardens, Ilford, over a 6-month period.

The 32-year-old from Highbury Gardens, Ilford, was handed a court imposed fine and costs totalling nearly £5000 following the successful prosecution last year, where she was found guilty of five counts of fly-tipping and breaching a Community Protection Notice (CPN) – a legally enforceable notice directing Padure to stop fly-tipping and ensure her waste is stored properly in her front garden.

At the start of this year Redbridge Council’s Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers discovered Padure back to her old tricks. Whilst making spot checks officers discovered broken bed bases, wood and rubbish piled into Padure’s front garden in a blatant breach of her CPN, which was still in place from last year.

She was promptly issued a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100, which remained unpaid leading to further Council led court action.

Padure was summonsed to attend Barkingside Magistrates Court, charged with a breach of the CPN. On Tuesday 14 May 2024, on failing to attend court, the case was heard and proved in Padure’s absence. She was fined and ordered to pay court and council costs, totalling £1,460.   

Redbridge Council’s Head of Community Safety, John Richards, said: While the majority of our communities take pride in their area, there is a minority who behave in a way that brings down their neighbourhood. It destroys the very fabric of community life and is unfair to the rest of the community who are doing their bit to help make Redbridge a great place to live by helping keep our borough clean, tidy, and attractive. There is no excuse for fly-tipping, especially when we have so many ways to dispose of rubbish responsibly, which is why we won’t hesitate to take action against those committing grime crimes in our borough.”

If you spot a fly-tip in the borough you can easily report it online through the council’s Report It page:

All fly tips made known to the council are recorded and investigated, with enforcement action being taken if evidence is found. The council aims to clear all recorded fly-tips on council land and the highway within 24 hours of it being reported. You can also submit evidence of perpetrators or their vehicles on the Council’s Report It page which will aid enforcement investigations.

Find out more on how to dispose of your waste legally and responsibly to help keep Redbridge clean and tidy:

Redbridge Council has recently launched its Love Clean Streets app, to help make reporting local street scene issues even easier.  Report fly-tips, missed bin collections, potholes and more at the touch of a button.

The app is available to download free from Google Play or the App store. For more information and app download links go to: