Redbridge Council pledges £1.2m to help crack-down on crime and to implement the recommendations of the independent Community Crime Commission

Published: 9 March 2022

Redbridge Council pledges £1.2m to help crack-down on crime and to implement the recommendations of the independent Community Crime Commission

Today, Redbridge’s independent Community Crime Commission has published its recommendations for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour across the borough, and to help keep local people safe. Over the past year, the Community Crime Commissioners have been hard at work hearing testimony from more than 40 expert witnesses as well as visiting Youth Offending Teams, frontline staff, observing police patrols and speaking to people at youth clubs and gyms to understand residents’ concerns about crime and safety to help shape the commission’s list of recommendations for improving safety in Redbridge.

Through its work, the Commission has identified five key areas for local agencies to focus on together, including the council and the Metropolitan Police:

  1. Women and girls’ safety
  2. Domestic abuse
  3. Drugs and street violence
  4. Anti-social behaviour
  5. Burglary

The London Borough of Redbridge recently passed a budget investing £1.2 million in community safety initiatives such as Enforcement Hubs and CCTV, and has committed to acting on the Commission’s recommendations.

The Leader of Redbridge Council, Cllr Jas Athwal said: “Speaking to local people from across our borough, it is clear that community safety is their top priority. That is why we have secured additional police officers for Ilford Town, bolstering Redbridge’s existing police teams, introduced Women’s Safety walks to help identify areas in which women feel unsafe, increased our CCTV coverage and monitoring, and invested in two Enforcement Hubs, a Mobile Enforcement Hub and our new CCTV vehicle to help crack-down on crime and anti-social behaviour and keep our residents safe.

 “The Community Crime Commission plays a hugely important role in making our borough safe, and we thank it for its work and look forward to delivering on its recommendations.”

The funding will be spent across all council services to ensure they meet the requirements laid out in the report of the Community Crime Commission. You can read the full details of the report on the commission’s website.