Loxford and Seven Kings ward by-election results - 7 May 2021
Published: 7 May 2021
The Loxford and Seven Kings ward by-elections were held on Thursday 7 May 2021
The results were as follows:
Loxford ward:
Hasnain Ahmed – Conservative and Unionist Party
Votes cast: 756
Al-Haj Mohammed Uddin – Liberal Democrats
Votes cast: 197
Sahdia Ehsan Warraich - Labour Party
Votes cast: 2,184 (duly elected)
Seven Kings ward
Naveed Akbar – Liberal Democrats
Votes cast: 313
Pushpita Gupta - Labour Party
Votes cast: 2,227 (duly elected)
Greta Blenda Rene - Conservative and Unionist Party
Votes cast: 791
Andy Walker - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Votes cast: 551
The turnout for the two by-elections was:
35% with a total of 3,199 Votes cast
Seven Kings
40% with a total of 3,921 Votes cast