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Equipment seized from noisy neighbours

Published: 4 May 2022

Redbridge Council is taking action against residents, causing a nuisance to their neighbours.

A Redbridge resident had their Speaker and TV seized after continuing to play distressingly loud music after being served with a Noise Abatement Notice.

Council Community Protection Officers had previously served a notice to the resident due to complaints from neighbours about their lives being made a misery by the constant loud music throughout the day and late at night.

Council officers obtained a warrant to enter the home and have now seized the noise-making equipment.

Operational Director for Civic Pride Sarah Foster said: “This type of senseless and selfish behaviour is unacceptable and won’t be tolerated by our Council. Redbridge is our home, and we all deserve to go about our lives free from persistent noise nuisance.

Our Council teams are working hard to crack down on antisocial behaviour like noise nuisance and make sure Redbridge is a great place to live, work and visit.”

Following the equipment seizure, Redbridge Council will pursue a potential prosecution for a breach of the abatement notice.

If you experience persistent noise nuisance,  please report it through the council website.