thumbnails of offenders

May Redbridge Wall of Shame: Help us find the grime crime offenders making a mess in our borough

Published: 23 May 2024

Redbridge is one of the most biodiverse and greenest boroughs in London, with award winning parks and open spaces, and we want to keep it that way.

We are working closely with local communities to send a strong message to fly-tippers that we won’t tolerate their mess on our streets, and are continuing our crackdown on grime crime with the release of the May edition of Redbridge Wall of Shame.

CCTV footage released for May’s Wall of Shame shows four clips of people fly-tipping. In the footage the offenders can be seen dumping a mattress, gym equipment, as well as packaging, and other unwanted items. Some are also seen leaving bags filled with waste, by public street bins, which is also fly-tipping.

Three images of fly-tips discovered around the borough are also featured, with one image showing more than ten bags of waste in one location alone, and another featuring a dumped pram.

Local people are being asked to come forward if they have any information relating to the offenders in the footage, the fly-tip images featured, or if they have witnessed the incidents taking place.

Head to Redbridge Wall of Shame to view the footage:

If you can help identify any of the culprits or have information relating to the fly-tips that could help track down the offenders, please contact Redbridge Council on:

Community support for tougher action against fly-tippers has also triggered steeper penalties for those caught making a mess in Redbridge.

Anyone caught dumping their rubbish in the borough now faces a £1000 on the spot fine for fly-tipping.

The hard-hitting fine was introduced recently following a change to legislation, and in response to community feedback, including a boroughwide survey which revealed that clean and tidy neighbourhoods, and tougher action for fly-tipping were among the top priorities for local people.

If you spot a fly-tip in the borough you can easily report it online through the council’s Report It page:

All fly tips made known to the council are recorded and investigated, with enforcement action being taken if evidence is found. The council aims to clear all recorded fly-tips on council land and the highway within 24 hours of it being reported.