People next to charger

New, fast EV chargers installed in Redbridge following landmark project with Uber

Published: 17 May 2024

A series of fast, new on-street EV chargers have been installed in Redbridge in an innovative partnership project with Uber, helping further boost the borough’s EV network and support greener travel.

Following the first leg of the project, local people now have access to 34 new 22kw dual fast chargers around the brough, enabling EVs to be charged up quicker.

The 34 dual chargers allow two vehicles to be charged simultaneously at the same location, providing 68 charge points in total -  and is available to all EV drivers, subject to local parking restrictions.

Further chargers are also being rolled out under the project, bringing a total of 174 new fast chargers to 87 locations around the borough by the end of 2024, helping add to the borough’s existing network of charge points.

The fast chargers are being fully funded through Uber, and Believ - who were awarded the contract to install, operate and maintain the fast chargers. Locations were identified based on demand.

The project is part of the borough’s bid to support local people to adopt more sustainable and greener travel choices, including making the switch from petrol or diesel to electric vehicles.

Transport was identified as one of the largest sources of carbon emissions in Redbridge, making it one of the council’s key areas for action in tackling climate change and creating a cleaner, and greener Redbridge for local people.

By switching to an electric vehicle, drivers are not only lowering their carbon footprint and helping the environment, but also helping improve air quality in the borough.

The increased number of EV charging points in Redbridge also gives local people without the ability to charge on a driveway the confidence to make the switch to electric, knowing they can easily charge an EV using the growing number of public charging points available across Redbridge.

Uber partnered with Redbridge and two other boroughs, with the goal of helping fund the introduction of more fast chargers across the capital. By helping increase London’s overall EV charging network Uber aims to bring more on-street charging access both to its drivers and other EV users in London.

Redbridge Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Jo Blackman, said: “The installation of these new fast chargers in this innovative partnership with Uber and Believ marks another milestone in Redbridge’s commitment to developing the borough’s EV network. With more on-street chargers now available to local people than ever before we hope more people will have the confidence to switch from petrol and diesel, to electric.”

Cllr Jas Athwal, Leader of Redbridge Council, added: “Working in partnership with Uber and Believ we are making significant progress in developing the borough’s EV infrastructure to support local people with making greener travel choices. Our goal is to keep expanding Redbridge’s on-street electric vehicle charging network to make it easier for local people to switch to an electric vehicle, helping to cut air pollution and tackle climate change in the process. And this also means helping local taxi and private hire drivers in Redbridge to switch to electric vehicles too.”

Andrew Brem, General Manager of Uber UK, said: “We are delighted to work with Redbridge Council on this vital project to boost EV infrastructure. Getting these chargers in the ground is a huge milestone with drivers often telling me that being able to access reliable charging near their homes is critical to their decision to switch to an EV.”

Guy Bartlett, Believ CEO said: "This project is an excellent example of public and private sectors working together to install EV charging infrastructure that delivers on a community's need, without burdening the public purse. The new installations will significantly improve Redbridge's residents' access to EV charging - helping more drivers make the switch."

For more information on using the new EV fast charge points go to:   

Find out more about Redbridge’s new EV Strategy:

Discover the benefits of owning an electric vehicle in Redbridge: