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Want to help tackle Climate Change in Redbridge? Be part of the Redbridge Climate Forum

Published: 14 May 2024

Are you interested in sustainable travel and tackling climate change in Redbridge? Be part of the Redbridge Climate Forum where you can meet and share ideas with others in the network, helping identify ways local communities, groups and individuals can work together with the Council to make Redbridge greener and cleaner.

The next Climate Forum takes place on Tuesday 21 May, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, in the Gloucester Room at Redbridge Central Library, and will focus on Sustainable Travel. The event is FREE to attend and open to all.

The Redbridge Climate Forum has been a platform for bringing local communities together in the fight against climate change. With 70 members and growing, forum participants exchange ideas and highlight work taking place to support greener living and working in Redbridge.

The upcoming Forum on Tuesday 21 May will be focused on sustainable travel, and the council will be facilitating discussions between attendees on how they travel around in the borough, what the current barriers are to sustainable travel, and how they might be overcome.

Kicking off the activities for the evening will be a speaker from Cycle Sisters – an award-winning charity that has supported hundreds of women to cycle, followed by an update on sustainable travel in Redbridge, presented by Cllr Jo Blackman, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability. 

There will also be break-out activity sessions and lots of opportunities for networking, learning and ideas sharing with other active, eco-minded groups and individuals in the borough, as well as finding out more about local green projects and how to get involved.

The forum is free to attend, and is open to all local people, businesses and community groups. You don’t need to have attended any previous forums to take part.

For more information, or to register your interest in attending please email:

Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability Cllr Jo Blackman said: “Transport accounts for a significant share of carbon emissions in Redbridge so it’s really important that we work together to develop a sustainable transport strategy to help address this challenge. This Climate Forum meeting will be a great opportunity to bring together ideas, people and projects to shape our transport plans and reduce emissions. By acting together to address the causes and impacts of climate change we can make our borough a better place to live, work and visit.”

Find out more about Redbridge’s work around tackling climate change, and the Borough’s Climate Change Action Plan: