Stay in the know on getting rid of your rubbish responsibly with Redbridge’s waste disposal community drop-in session
Published: 24 November 2022
Redbridge Council’s Neighbourhood Team is holding a free Engagement and Education event on waste disposal to help local people understand what fly-tipping is and how to avoid breaking the law when it comes to getting rid of rubbish.
The team, made up of Enforcement Officers, and Engagement and Education Officers, will be on hand from 4pm-6pm, on Wednesday 30 November, Ley Street in Ilford, to offer the community advice, tips, and information on how to dispose of waste responsibly and legally.
Local people and businesses are being encouraged to come along to the event to find out about waste disposal services available to them, get tips on how to reduce waste, as well as share any local concerns they have.
Officers will be on site in the council’s Enforcement Hub Bus ready to answer questions.
The move comes as part of the council’s proactive community work to tackle fly-tipping around locally identified hot-spots to help keep Redbridge clean.
Officers will also be sharing information about Redbridge’s latest tool in the fight against fly-tipping – Redbridge Wall of Shame.
The microsite was launched earlier this year and has been empowering local people to join the fight against fly-tipping and help bring grime crime offenders to justice by reporting anyone they can identify from the clips.
The latest November edition features 8 clips of fly-tippers selfishly discarding their rubbish on the street - creating an eyesore in the local community with their mess.
In the footage the lawbreakers, who face a £400 fixed penalty notice if caught, can be seen leaving broken bits of furniture on the street, as well as leaving bags of rubbish by bins, which is also fly tipping.
To view the clips head to: https://wallofshame.redbridge.gov.uk/
If you can help identify any of the culprits caught on camera, please contact Redbridge Council on: Cleansing.Services@redbridge.gov.uk