Winter vaccination programme in Redbridge
Published: 25 October 2022
NHS North East London is advising Redbridge residents that getting their flu and COVID vaccines are two of the most important things they can do to keep themselves and others around them safe this winter.
Experts advise that those at greater risk will need extra protection this winter. For Covid-19 and flu, people aged 50 and over with certain health conditions that put them at risk and frontline health and care staff will be offered a vaccine.
To protect against the flu, additional groups most at risk of getting seriously ill from flu or passing it on to others, such as pregnant women, young children, primary school-aged, and some secondary school-aged children, will be offered protection.
COVID-19 and flu can be serious for these groups, and getting both COVID-19 and flu at the same time increases risk. The NHS is now offering COVID-19 vaccines to those eligible, starting with those at the most significant risk.
Eligible people must come forward as soon as possible when it’s their turn for extra protection ahead of winter when viruses circulate most and can cause the most significant harm.
Your COVID vaccination must be at least three months after your previous dose for maximum protection. The NHS first offers vaccination to those at most significant risk based on expert guidance.
The NHS will let people know when it is their turn to come forward for their COVID-19 vaccine, and more information is available on the NHS website. Once invited, people can book their seasonal COVID-19 vaccine using the Booking Service or by calling 119 or finding a local vaccination walk-in site.
This year, the flu vaccine will be offered to those most at risk from flu first. From September, younger children, older people, those in clinical risk groups, and pregnant women will be able to book an appointment for a flu vaccine at their GP practice or pharmacy. From mid-October 2022, people aged 50 to 64 who aren’t in a clinical risk group will also be able to get a free flu vaccine.
The flu vaccine is offered through schools for school-aged children, and pregnant women can get it through their GP practice, pharmacy or maternity service.
Cllr Mark Santos, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “The COVID-19 and the flu vaccine can be given on the same day, and some people might get both vaccines at the same time. However, this may not always be possible, so we encourage everybody to get each vaccination as soon as possible rather than waiting to get both simultaneously.
“Please help keep yourself and those around you safe this winter by getting vaccinated when invited.”