Warning sign and tape

Redbridge Council warns people of the dangers of Brazilian Butt Lift procedure

Published: 23 September 2024

Redbridge Council is warning local people of the potential dangers associated with a procedure commonly known as a Brazilian Butt Lift.

The non-surgical aesthetic procedure is also referred to as BBL or Liquid BBL. Currently, the non-surgical aesthetic procedure, commonly known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL or Liquid BBL, is unlicensed and unregulated. Therefore, the quality and competency of practitioners are unmanaged by industry regulators.

Redbridge Council's Environment Health Team have particular concerns about an individual and associated companies based in Brentwood, Essex, known to have administered this procedure.

The council has issued prohibition notices under The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. These notices prohibit the conducting of the BBL procedure until the risks to persons undergoing that procedure have been controlled so far as is reasonably practicable.

A spokesperson for Redbridge Council's Environmental Health Team said: "The health and safety of people in Redbridge is our number one priority.

"Individuals who have undergone these procedures have experienced excruciating pain, discomfort and infections, some of which have required medical interventions and hospitalisation.

"We strongly recommend that anyone considering a non-surgical aesthetic procedure do their research. If the cost of the treatment is lower than the market average, proceed with caution, as the practitioner may not be using the advertised products.

"If you have undergone this procedure and you're experiencing pain, discomfort and signs of infection, please seek medical assistance immediately."

Non-surgical aesthetic procedures still require a sterile clinical environment. Therefore, procedures should be performed in appropriate treatment rooms.

Redbridge Council would like to hear from anyone who has had a BBL procedure performed within the borough. Please contact us at healthandsafety@redbridge.gov.uk